The Future of Money: Bitcoin, the Gold Standard, and Free Banking
With the rise of Bitcoin and the continuing discussion of the gold standard as solutions to our current monetary woes, the Sound Money Project of the Atlas Network is organizing a reception and panel discussion on alternatives to the current monetary system.
IS Bitcoin money? Bitcoin-CMRE
Penn Club of New York
30 W 44th Street
New York, NY 10036
Tuesday, June 3, 2014
from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM (EDT)
Daniel Oliver, Committee for Monetary Research & Education
Lawrence H. White, George Mason University
A representative from the Bitcoin Embassy, Canada
Moderator: Gonzalo Schwarz (Atlas Network)
Heavy hors d’oeuvres and drinks will be served. The first 50 attendees to arrive will receive a copy of Notes on the Establishment of a Money Unit by Thomas Jefferson and with a forward by Atlas Senior Fellow Judy Shelton.
For more information contact Brittany Cobb at or (973) 826-2003.
Dan Oliver graduated from Columbia Law School with honors in 2001 and practiced law at Simpson Thacher & Bartlett. He left Simpson Thacher to obtain an MBA from INSEAD in 2005. After co-founding two venture compnaies, Mr. Oliver joined Bearing Capital, LLC, a private equity firm in Buenos Aires focused on Latin American commodities investments. Mr. Oliver founded Myrmikan Capital in 2009, an investment firm specializing in micro- capitalized gold mining companies. Mr. Oliver is currently a Director of the Committee for Monetary Research & Education and a National Review Institute Fellow.

In 2008 White received the Distinguished Scholar Award of the Association for Private Enterprise Education. He has been Visiting Professor at Queen’s University Belfast, Visiting Fellow at the Australian National University, Visiting Research Fellow and lecturer at the American Institute for Economic Research, visiting lecturer at the Swiss National Bank, and a visiting scholar at the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta. He co- edits a book series for Routledge, Foundations of the Market Economy. He is a co-editor of Econ Journal Watch, and hosts bi-monthly podcasts for EJW Audio. He is a member of the board of associate editors of the Review of Austrian Economics and a member of the editorial board of the Cato Journal. He is a contributing editor to the Foundation for Economic Education’s magazine The Freeman and lectures at the Foundation’s annual seminar in Advanced Austrian Economics. He is an adjunct scholar of the Cato Institute and a member of the Academic Advisory Council of the Institute of Economic Affairs.

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