Right now we have about 250 fanatics signed up. As a skeptic, I wonder if there are really that many fanatics spread across the globe. “Students” range from raw beginners to forty-year veterans with CFAs, MBAs, MAs, and dozens of letters after their names. Students (men and women) are located in India (a lot!), Germany, France, Sweden, North Africa, South American, Canada, and Alaska.
The only requirement is to be skeptical. Try to prove/disprove what you read and hear–especially what you might think is true. Can you apply concepts and principles to your own unique location/situation?
If you sent me an email as instructed by the prior post on this blog at, then you should have received the first lesson and two emails with attachments. If not, then email me again with the title DEEP VALUE. If within twenty-four hours you haven’t received an email, then do it again, and I will make sure you receive the lesson.
I have to close the course because handling incoming students will be very cumbersome after the first class. For those too late to “register” then follow along with the blog since I will be posting questions on the readings. There are no grades; the market will do that for you.
9 responses to “Enrollment to Close Monday Jan. 5th”