Tag Archives: CBOT



Crowded Pit

My Best Day Ever.

No, I am not talking about today, though all my stocks are rising like soybean futures in an August drought.  Why?


I don’t know what the future will bring, but I do know risks are rising. Values are out there, but with more uncertainty attached.  Experience has taught me to deal with excruciating pressure such as whether to buy the yellow Lamborgini Yellow

or the red Ferrari. Red

I am thinking of putting in a fur-lined sink or is that too much? How about I finally do something for the boy scouts. Boy Scouts I’ll hire a bus to New York City for a visit here:

Back Twenty-Four Years Ago in Chicago

But I remember the best day of my life 24-years ago back when I was a young pit trader on the Chicago Open Board (Mid-Am Exchange) doing this, Chicago Pit

when–within 24-hours--I went broke, my fiancé nixed our wedding day, and my suicide attempt failed. Oh, and the Cubs lost again.

Never would adversity teach so much to an arrogant, ignorant, selfish, and insane twenty-two year old.  To be continued………………

Have a Great Weekend!

PS: Three-minute kindergarten course on investing. It is never too late to get started.