I posted this before November 7, 2011, but now I embedded the documents for easier access. Also, there is a link to the video. I will keep putting links to videos rather than have a value vault so everyone can have access and I don’t have to keep sending keys.
Liz Claiborne
Jan 01, 2000 10-K for Liz Claiborne. Liz-Claiborne-10-K-Jan-1-2000
Video Lecture: just click and download the Greenwald video lecture: https://www.yousendit.com/download/T2dkOGNVdGpPSHdVV01UQw
Solution and Lecture notes to valuation of Liz Claiborne: Greenwald-Class-Notes-5-Liz-Claiborne-Valuing-Growth-2
Compare this lecture to a standard overview of valuation techniques: Equity-Research-and-Valuation-B-Kemp-Dolliver