Tag Archives: entry strategy

Kodak-Polaroid Case Study from Chapter 13 of Competition Demystified

Case Study of Kodak’s Entry Strategy into Polaroid’s Market

HBS Case Study Part 1: Polaroid and Kodak 376_266 _1984 CS

HBS Case Study Part 2: Kodak vs Polaroid CS

This case illustrates Kodak’s ill-conceived entry strategy against Polaroid–a strong incumbent with competitive advantages.

This article http://www.technologyreview.com/blog/editors/27508/ shows why Kodak descended into bankruptcy. In my opinion, Kodak might have generated more shareholder value by focusing on protecting its film market while managing the business in run-off made by returning capital to shareholders. If Kodak wanted to compete in other markets, perhaps it could have spun-off subsidiarities to allow shareholders and other investors to have more choice in allocating capital.


Chapter 13 Kodak and Polaroid Case Study Analysis

Housekeeping: New Case Study added to Kodak-Polaroid CS

Polaroid – Kodak 18 page Case Study Added

Yesterday in this post http://wp.me/p1PgpH-HI I forgot to add the HBS Case Study Part 1 Polaroid and Kodak 376_266 _1984 CS (18 pages) to the case. I also added it to that post.

This is an important case on a poor entry strategy against a strong incumbent.

Case Studies on Competition Demystified Chps. 12 & 13: Kiwi Airlines and Kodak vs. Polaroid

Housekeeping: I will return to posting next weekend. Meanwhile, you can work on two case studies.

Kiwi Airlines

Chapter 12: Fear of Not Flying: Kiwi Enters the Airline Industry

HBS Case:Kiwi Airlines CS

  1. Describe Kiwi’s entry strategy and explain why it was initially successful. Where did they go wrong and why?
  2. What is the evidence that there were no existing barriers to entry in the airline industry in the 1980s?

 Kodak vs. Polaroid

Chapter 13: No Instant Gratification: Kodak Takes on Polaroid.

HBS Case:Kodak vs Polaroid CS

  1. Detail Polaroid’s competitive advantages in the instant photography market.
  2. What were Polaroid’s responses to Kodak’s launch into the instant photography market?
  3. Was there an alternative approach for Kodak that might have been more successful?
  4. If you were running Kodak in the 1970s, what strategy would you have followed—given all the benefits of hindsight?

Analysis of Fox News: A Fox in the Henhouse-Entry Strategies

Chase after money and security and your heart will never unclench. Care about other people’s approval and you will be their prisoner. Do your own work, then step back. The only path to serenity. Lao Tzu

Fox News Entry Strategy

Questions on Chapter 10 in Competition Demystified and the HBR Case Study of Fox’s Strategy were posted: http://wp.me/p1PgpH-AK

As a review, this case is important to study for how a company enters under barriers to entry. If you can find such a company in the early stages of building a competitive advantage, you can earn huge returns as an investor. It ain’t easy, but one way to start is to study this case. Also, instructive in how incumbents respond. For those who don’t have a digital copy of the book, you can email me at aldridge56@aol.com and write (ONLY) BOOK in the subject line. I will email you the PDF within 24 hours. The PDF lacks the graphs and tables but has the text. I suggest you splurge on the $12 to $13 with shipping for a second-hand book through www.Amazon.com.

My write-up of the case is here:Fox News Case Study on Entry Strategies Chapter 10 of Comp Demyst

Note the subtleties of Murdoch’s entry moves.