Tag Archives: environment

Weekend Viewing and Reading


Bubble Film (Documentary Trailer):


The characters in the documentary: Jim Grant, Jim Rogers, and many more… http://thebubblefilm.com/downloads/presskit.pdf

More here: http://www.tomwoods.com/

Who killed Kennedy?

I am not a conspiracy theorist (because the govt. is not competent to pull it off, but this is interesting.


Investing Students

Good articles here for students: http://www.oldschoolvalue.com/

Model of valuing stocks the Buffett way: http://www.aaii.com/computerized-investing/article/valuing-stocks-the-warren-buffett-way

How Morningstar measures moats http://news.morningstar.com/articlenet/article.aspx?id=91441&

One hundred things I have learned while investing (good read): http://www.fool.com/investing/general/2012/06/29/the-100-things-ive-learned-in-investing.aspx


An investment search process: http://www.jonesvillalta.com/process.php#anchor4

Valuation Models:Copy of Villalta_WebTool_APV and Copy of Villalta_WebTool_FCFE  (see if these make sense to you or ignore)



Investing and Lessons Learned

Investing articles: http://www.gannonandhoangoninvesting.com/


Analysts presenting to HF managers:

Watch MBAs present their value investing ideas to Pershing Square’s Bill Ackman at Columbia GBS: several videos links–just scroll down http://www7.gsb.columbia.edu/valueinvesting/events/pershing

More recordings/videos: Investment Lectures: (2012)http://www7.gsb.columbia.edu/valueinvesting/coursesfaculty/recordings

And even more…… http://www.bengrahaminvesting.ca/Resources/videos.htm

Shale oil

After decades of rising prices, hostile foreign suppliers and warnings that Americans will have to bicycle to work, the world faces the possibility of vast amounts of cheap, plentiful fuel. And the source for much of this new supply? The U.S.

“If this is true, this could be another dominant American century,” said Brian Wesbury, chief economist at First Trust Advisors, money managers in Wheaton, Ill.

U.S. natural-gas production is growing 4% to 5% a year, driven by sharply higher shale gas output. Shale gas production is forecast at 7.609 trillion cubic feet this year, up 11.6% from 2011 and 12 times the 2004 level.


Are you a chimp? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u_9tZ3aPCFo&feature=relmfu

Why Nations Fail

Understanding why companies succeed or fail is critical to our investing success. Broaden your reading to include international politics and economics. I don’t agree with everything the authors say but I find Why nations Fail (video lecture)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IRAkz13cpsk&feature=related fascinating. Click to see the lecture by one of the authors.

A Summary of the Book


1. So Close and Yet So Different: Nogales, Arizona, and Nogales, Sonora, have the same people, culture, and geography. Why is one rich and one poor?

2. Theories That Don’t Work: Poor countries are poor not because of their geographies or cultures, or because their leaders do not know which policies will enrich their citizens (or the leaders may know but seek to preserve their own interests).

3. The Making of Prosperity and Poverty: How prosperity and poverty are determined by the incentives created by institutions, and how politics determines what institutions a nation has

4. Small Differences and Critical Junctures: The Weight of History: How institutions change through political conflict and how the past shapes the present

5. “I’ve Seen the Future, and It Works”: Growth Under Extractive Institutions: What Stalin, King Shyaam, the Neolithic Revolution, and the Maya city-states all had in common and how this explains why China’s current economic growth cannot last

6. Drifting Apart: How institutions evolve over time, often slowly drifting apart

7. The Turning Point: How a political revolution in 1688 changed institutions in England and led to the Industrial Revolution

8. Not on Our Turf: Barriers to Development: Why the politically powerful in many nations opposed the Industrial Revolution

9. Reversing Development: How European colonialism impoverished large parts of the world

10. The Diffusion of Prosperity: How some parts of the world took different paths to prosperity from that of Britain

11. The Virtuous Circle: How institutions that encourage prosperity create positive feedback loops that prevent the efforts by elites to undermine them

12. The Vicious Circle: How institutions that create poverty generate negative feedback loops and endure

13. Why Nations Fail Today: Institutions, institutions, institutions

14. Breaking the Mold: How a few countries changed their economic trajectory by changing their institutions

15. Understanding Prosperity and Poverty: How the world could have been different and how understanding this can explain why most attempts to combat poverty have failed

The book: http://www.amazon.com/Why-Nations-Fail-Origins-Prosperity/product-reviews/0307719219/ref=cm_cr_dp_qt_hist_one?ie=UTF8&filterBy=addOneStar&showViewpoints=0