Any student of investing would do well to supplement his study of Buffett with the below case study on Henry Singleton. Guess who learned and copied Singleton in how he managed Berkshire Hathaway?
One investor, Leon Cooperman, helped his career enormously by investing and staying with his Teledyne investment.
Case Studies:
- Singleton the Sultan of BuyBacks
- Teledyne and Henry Singleton a CS of a Great Capital Allocator
- Special Situations and Tender Offers
- Stock repurchase by tender offer
PS: A reader delved in the book on Teledyne’s history by interlibrary loan. The book, A Distant Force recounts a manager’s experience with Teledyne.
A reader writes, “I came across this website in a recent HBR entry discussing the Mittlesland which was really thought provoking and adds a tilt to our competitive analysis studies…”
They use case studies!
Thanks for that reader’s generous sharing of ideas and links.
Have a Great Weekend!