Tag Archives: Stock Behavior

The Explanatory Power of Insider Buying

Don’t forget to FOLLOW the MONEY.  What are insiders doing?  The video of Mark Hulbert on insider buying is interesting for two reasons:

Insider buying has more explanatory power on long-term (greater than one year) stock returns according to Professor Nejat Seyhun.   Also, note that when insiders do NOT sell when prices fall that is a bullish sign. Insiders seem bullish.

Video on Insider Buying


Bullish Insiders Point to One-Year Stock Gains Dec. 6, 2011
Market insiders (such as executives) and their activities may have greatest sway as an indicator at the one-year horizon, not the three-month or six-month time span, according to Mark Hulbert. Laura Mandaro reports.

Resources for Studying Insider Buying

A resource for tracking insiders and learning more:




Academic Research on insider buying. You can do a search yourself.


Keep learning/studying and having fun.