Tag Archives: 100 baggers

100 Baggers Seminar Today at 3 PM

http://www.mayermethod.com/video-3_erk862.html  or http://www.mayermethod.com   This Saturday, 3 PM Eastern Standard Time (New York City times)

A sign-in for email here: https://subscribe.bonnerandpartners.com/XBF1T135

I don’t know if this is a marketing gimmick, but Chris Mayer is the author of a recently updated 100 to 1 book. http://www.valuewalk.com/2016/02/a-review-of-100-baggers-stocks-that-return-100-to-1-and-how-to-find-them/


I listened for ten minutes to find out this was JUST a sales/ bait and switch scam to buy an overpriced newsletter.   Hurry now before the letter doubles to $5,000.  Give me a break!   How stupid do they think people are.  YOU can do better on your own.

I apologize for posting.   Not everything is worth your time.