Tag Archives: Cabs

Reading and Viewing of Interest

Creative Video (3 minutes): You Will Love Stockholm http://bit.ly/GT6c4K

30-Day Reading List to becoming an educated Libertarian (Even if you don’t wish to be one, you will learn about common sense economics): http://thewhitedsepulchre.blogspot.com/2012/06/30-day-reading-list-that-will-lead-you.html

How The Austrian Business (Trade) Cycle Works or Why Don’t Entrepreneurs Stop Making the Same Cluster of Errors? These articles help answer my puzzlement over why booms and bust recur. Don’t people learn?ABCT and the cluster of errors     An IMPORTANT READ!

Pershing Square 1st Qtr. Letter:Pershing_Square_Q1_12_investor_letter

Volatility is the friend of the unleveraged long-term investor. We much prefer the bumpy road to higher rates of return then a smoother ride to more modest profits.

Canadian Pacific Railway Ltd. (CP), J.C. Penny Company, Inc. (JCP), Justice Holdings/Burger King and General Growth Properties (GGP) discussed.

Crony Capitalism at Work or why it costs $6 to go 1/2 mile in a NYC Cab.http://mjperry.blogspot.com/2012/06/taken-for-ride-by-nyc-taxi-cartel.html

Search for businesses

Top twenty franchises http://www.forbes.com/pictures/elld45le/intro/ Successful franchisers can be great businesses but their success depends upon the profitability of their franchisees.

Screening for bargains (Damodaran Blog)http://aswathdamodaran.blogspot.com/

Capital Allocation in a commodity business (Bronte Capital)http://brontecapital.blogspot.com/2012/06/how-business-decisions-are-made-in-boom.html   Thanks to a reader for bringing this article to my attention.

Volatility is your friend

Brandes Research Institute http://www.brandes.com/Institute/Pages/BIResearch.aspx

Imagine the unimaginable


What do Cubans Say?: A glimpse of Cuba Interviews taken by this blogger over the course of traveling for two months through Cuba.   I will never forget what two Cubans said to me, “We are sick of living in a pre-historic zoo.”