Tag Archives: EV and Sales Multiples

Investor Interview (Audio)

Russian Bear

A good interview of a self-taught professional investor (John Hempton of http://brontecapital.blogspot.com/.   GO HERE: https://soundcloud.com/the-odd-lot/john-hempton-audio-interview

Certainly this investor is a tad eccentric, but he certainly has found a great method to find and manage short selling opportunities.  A great listen. Also, seek out http://oddlotinvest.wordpress.com/about/   Wow, a treasure chest of obscurities.

Risks for equities, IN GENERAL, are high.  Note that the equity and debt market combined for companies is at all-time highs. Be careful.

EV multiple all time high

EV mult vs return_0

Overvalued stock market HussmanInfAdjDow_2