A man does what he must - in spite of personal consequences, in spite of obstacles and dangers and pressures - and that is the basis of all human morality. A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty. -- Winston Churchill
New Folder on Banks in the Value Vault
Several posts ago I discussed analyzing banks: http://wp.me/p1PgpH-vD
I said my expertise in banks was nil. But thanks to generous contributors too numerous to mention, I have received several books, research reports and readings on analyzing banks and the banking industry. If you would like the key to this folder you can email: aldridge56@aol.com just with the subject line: BANKS and by tomorrow morning, I will send you the key.
More to follow: Next, I will post the answers to the questions from Chapter 8 in Competition Demystified or The Games Companies Play. Then a post on ROIC. After that, I will have the Harvard Case Studies on the Cola Wars (Chapter 9 from Competition Demystified). Of course, there will be some other posts as well.
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