An available Value Investors Conference Pass
From Jacob Wolinski, who sent me this missive: Hi value investors!
YJP will be hosting a Hedge Fund Summit on Thursday September 20th (no jewish holidays that day)
6:00 begins, 7pm panel, 8pm networking. Event is taking place at Chelsea Piers 121 W, 19st. I went to a recent event and it is worth going for the food alone, but if you are interested in the speakers….
Confirmed speakers include John Paulson! And yes you can ask him questions about Gold and performance! Ken Brody chair of Sandler and Peter Greene founder of Taconic Capital. This is a very high level networking event.
As a “host” I have managed to secure a discounted ticket price, which is $80, compared to the usual price of $150 at the door or $125 online. Note: I do not make any money from ticket sales. Discounted tickets expire soon. If you would like to join me at this event, please click that link and use the promo code: JACOBWOLINSKY. I’ve found this organization in particular puts on high level, quality events and expect the same this year.
Also I cannot make it to VIC if anyone wants or knows any competent person who would cover it (maybe a college kid) i have a free media pass. Email:,
Best regards, Jacob Wolinsky
I will be at the Mises Summit in NYC
Mises Summit on Sept. 14 at the Metropolitan Club in NYC
Don’t forget to sign up for Santangel’s free email letter:,
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Investor Conference:
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Improve your life and learn
A Reader’s Question
A reader sent me an email a few months ago about one of Prof. Greenwald’s lectures. His question related to the value of an asset as a multiple of tangible book value? I can’t for the life of me find the email. Can the patient questioner post your question here or email me again. I promise to post and try to answer it, though readers here may even have a better response.
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