Update: 11:15 AM March 11, 2013–I was hacked so if you received and email from me, please delete and ignore.
I apologize. Please take the time, though, to understand this:
Investing: Find Your Own Way
“Everybody’s got to find their own way. Listening to me, maybe it’s fun, maybe it’s boring, who knows, you’re not going to succeed until you find your own way. I mean if you’re a musician you’ve got to find your own sound, your own way. Great musicians through history were the people who had their own madness, and were proud of their madness, especially if it was not what everybody else is doing. Well, the same is true of art, literature, politics, finance…especially finance. Yeah, you can copy other people, and many people do, that’s why everybody invests in the same thing, and that’s why it winds up being a bad investment. No, you’ve got to figure out your own way, no matter how absurd your way may sound, especially if your own way sounds absurd to others, you should pursue it even harder. You can learn from other people, but don’t try to be like Joe or Sally, try to be like yourself.” – in Investor Guide
People Really Need To Invest In Only What They Know A Lot About
“Well, nobody should invest in anything that they themselves don’t understand. So if I sat here and said you should do x, y, z, and people don’t have a clue what I’m talking about, they should probably ignore what I say or even what you say. Nobody should invest in something that they don’t understand. If you know nothing about gold except that it’s supposedly valuable, you shouldn’t buy it, or invest in anything you don’t know about. But once you know a lot about something, you will probably figure out some ways to protect yourself. I mean if you have your own business, like you, usually the best thing to invest in is your own business, because you know more about that than anything else. I have various ways that I’m trying to protect myself, but even if I told you I’m doing x, I might change my mind tomorrow afternoon, and then you would be stuck doing x because I said it. I’m not going to call you and tell you I changed my mind on that position. So people really need to invest in only what they themselves know a lot about.” – in a recent interview with Investor Guide
My Success Came From Homework
“To the extent that I had any success, it was from homework. I was willing and able to work harder than other people, but I was also willing and able to think differently from other people.” – in Smart Planet
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