Tag Archives: Links


AK Rifles

“You can’t build lasting stock market gains or solid GDP growth on debt. Because debt cannot expand forever. Sooner or later it must stabilize and then it must contract. When that happens, all the positive features of debt become negative features. Instead of borrowing and spending more, people must spend less and pay off past debt. Instead of adding to corporate sales and profits, they subtract from them. Instead of driving up asset prices, they push them down.”

Borrowed money has an almost magical effect on the way up. It comes out of nowhere. So there is no labor cost to offset against it. It goes almost directly into corporate profits. http://www.rickackerman.com/2011/06/a-gloomy-richebacher-was-prescient-in-1999/


If you have a few favorites, please let me know. 

                                                      -work in progress-

My Other Blogs

Un Inversor Inteligente www.uninversorinteligente.com (spanish)

Ferrer Invest www.ferrerinvest.com/un-inversor-inteligente.html (spanish)

Seeking Wisdom www.seekingworldlywisdom.tumblr.com

Value Investing Research

Magic Formula Investing www.magicformulainvesting.com

Outstanding Investor Digest www.oid.com

The Manual of Ideas www.manualofideas.com

Value Investors Club www.valueinvestorsclub.com

Value Investor Insight www.valueinvestorinsight.com

Value Line www.valueline.com

Value Investing Blogs

All Value Investing www.allvalueinvesting.com  Check out the videos!

Above Average Odds www.aboveaverageodds.com

The Brooklyn Investor: http://brooklyninvestor.blogspot.com/

Buffett FAQ www.buffettfaq.com

Fundoo Professor www.fundooprofessor.wordpress.com

Gannon and Hoang on Investing http://gannonandhoangoninvesting.com/

GrahamandDoddsville www.grahamanddoddsville.net

Greenbackd.com    www.greenbackd.com

Greg Speicher www.gregspeicher.com

Margin of Safety www.amarginofsafety.com

Mungerisms www.mungerisms.blogspot.com

The Inoculated Investor www.inoculatedinvestor.com

Simoleon Sense www.simoleonsense.com

Street Capitalist www.streetcapitalist.com

Value Investing World www.valueinvestingworld.com

ValueWalk www.valuewalk.com

Warren Buffett Resource www.warrenbuffettresource.wordpress.com

Value Investing Sites

Alphaclone www.alphaclone.com

Dataroma www.dataroma.com

Gurufocus www.gurufocus.com

Seeking Alpha www.seekingalpha.com

Value Investing Firms

Ariel Investments www.arielinvestments.com

Aquamarine www.aquamarinefund.com

Baron Funds www.baronfunds.com

Baupost www.baupost.com

Bestinver www.bestinver.es

Century Management www.centman.com

Clipper Fund www.clipperfund.com

Davis Funds www.davisfunds.com

Dreman Value Management www.dreman.com

Fairholme www.fairholmefunds.com

First Eagle Funds www.firsteaglefunds.com

First Pacific Advisors www.fpafunds.com

Formula Investing Funds www.formulainvestingfunds.com

GMO www.gmo.com

Greenlight Capital www.greenlightcapital.com

Himalaya Capital Management www.himalayacapital.com

Hummingbird Value Fund www.hummingbirdvalue.com

Longleaf Partners www.longleafpartners.com

Mackenzie Investments www.mackenziefinancial.com

Muhlenkamp & Co. www.muhlenkamp.com

Oakmark Funds www.oakmark.com

Oaktree Capital Management www.oaktreecapital.com

Olstein Funds www.olsteinfunds.com

Pabrai Investment Funds www.pabraifunds.com

Pzena Investment Management http://www.pzena.com

Redfield, Blonsky & Co. www.rbcpa.com

Sarbit www.sarbit.com

Sequoia www.sequoiafund.com

T2 Partners www.t2partnersllc.com

Third Avenue www.thirdavenuefunds.com

Third Point www.thirdpoint.com

Tweedy, Browne www.tweedy.com

Weitz Funds www.weitzfunds.com

Wintergreen Funds www.wintergreenfund.com

Value Investing Schools and Courses

Centro Enseñanza Online Manuel Ayau www.umayau.com  (spanish)

Columbia Business School www7.gsb.columbia.edu/valueinvesting

Gabelli School of Business www.fordham.edu/cba

Kellogg School Of Management www.bit.ly/zU5n3b

Management Development Institute www.sanjaybakshi.net

Richard Ivey School of Business www.bengrahaminvesting.ca

UC Davis Graduate School of Management www.bit.ly/xkUZ4v

Value Oriented Companies

Berkshire Hathaway www.berkshirehathaway.com

Fairfax Financial Holdings www.fairfax.ca

Notable Economists

Carlos Rodriguez Braun www.carlosrodriguezbraun.com  (spanish)

Jesús Huerta de Soto www.jesushuertadesoto.com  (spanish)

Juan Ramón Rallo www.juanramonrallo.com  (spanish)

Philipp Bagus www.philippbagus.com

Xavier Sala-i-Martín www.salaimartin.com

Amateur Portfolio Managers

Covestor www.covestor.com

Marketocrazy www.marketocracy.com

Unience www.unience.com (spanish)

Media and other resources

Farnam Street www.farnamstreetblog.com

Barking up the wrong tree www.bakadesuyo.com

Futile Finance www.futile.free.fr

Inteligencia y Libertad www.intelib.com  (spanish)

Libre Mercado www.libremercado.com  (spanish)

Grupo Retiro www.gruporetiro.com  (Family Business, spanish)

Michael Mauboussin www.michaelmauboussin.com

Santa Fe Institute www.santafe.edu

Libertarian Think Tanks

CATO Institute www.cato.org

Instituto Juan de Mariana www.juandemariana.org  (spanish)

Ludwig von Mises Institute www.mises.org

A reader suggests:

  1. Bronte Capital’s blog – John Hempton shares his thought process and interacts frequently with readers on the blog. (http://brontecapital.blogspot.com/)
  2. Distressed debt investing blog (http://www.distressed-debt-investing.com/)
  3. Corner of Berkshire and Fairfax forums (http://www.cornerofberkshireandfairfax.ca/forum/)