Tag Archives: Michael Burry

Greenwald Video with Gurus like Li Lu. Michael Burry Notes

Two readers/contributors sent me these links. Thanks again.

My two cents, the video is worth viewing, but if you look up the companies in Michael Burry’s research and follow along, you will benefit more. I would rather bet on Michael Burry rather than Li Lu. Be skeptical of any “Guru” and never cease to think for yourself. Many Gurus know a hell of a lot less than you think they know.

I am amazed that no one on the panel discusses the causes of the boom & bust which flattened most money managers in 2008/09.

Professor Greenwald’s Panel Discussion with Li Lu and other “Gurus.”


Michael Burry Research Report Write-Ups

A contributor, eclecticvalue provides a scribd link here: http://www.scribd.com/doc/74831871/Burry-Writeups

I will place several investor letters and research reports from Michael Burry (a self-taught investor who sits alone in a room and thinks.) in the Value Vault.

For keys to the Value Vault: email me at aldridge56@aol.com with VALUE VAULT in the subject line. You will receive a link and then you can sync to your desk-top.   Thanks for all the contributions to the Value Vault!

Interesting links….

Michael Burry, the self-taught investor, who shorted sub-prime in the Big Short by Michael Lewis is interviewed here: http://www.scribd.com/fullscreen/37453934

Don’t forget a favorite blog: Carl Icahn doing his bidding:http://greenbackd.com/2011/11/28/icahn-bids-for-commercial-metals-company-nysecmc/

A country in collapse (Cuba) where dissidents protest the dual currency system: http://pedazosdelaislaen.wordpress.com/2011/11/29/dissidents-arrested-for-demanding-one-currency/

Placing Europe in perspective: http://scottgrannis.blogspot.com/2011/11/putting-piigs-debt-into-context.html

Meanwhile guess what the Federal Reserve is busy doing?




Would investors be surprised by a “melt-up” in nominal values in the stock market?  I am not predicting this, just thinking where the greatest surprise could be.  Beware of US Treasuries.