Tag Archives: Throw Momma from the Train

POP QUIZ: What’s it worth? Good or bad business?


 Case-Study-So-What-is-It-Worth  Buffett finally seeks an assistant to help him find and value companies.  You meet him at a diner in Omaha.   He slips you the above financials, then he asks you to comment.  Please take no more than 20 to 30 minutes.  Is this a good business? Why or why not? So what do YOU think it’s worth?  Should Buffett buy this Wall Street darling (at the time?). Show your back of napkin calculations and don’t spill any coffee.

The “Solution/Analysis” will be posted Friday-here.

Some people in the Deep Value course are nodding off.   Try the quiz to sharpen your thinking. If you don’t come close, you will have to meet:

Housekeeping: Date with Lindsay Lohan Test. Be Investors.

Flooded with emails

Ok Guys (not many women investors out there? I believe women have less of an ego than men and thus are more likely to not over trade, be overconfident, etc.) I have received more than 27 emails asking how you can date Lindsay Lohan.  This is a blog dedicated to becoming the best investor you can be not a dating blog.   The prize to have a date with Lindsay was presented here: http://csinvesting.org/2011/12/01/test-question-best-investment-over-the-past-10-years-better-than-gold-berkshire-bonds/ If you answered the question correctly.

I appreciate the spirit of the emails. Ben Graham was a serial womanizer (http://www.amazon.com/dp/0140255346/ref=rdr_ext_tmb), and Buffett remained married while living for years with another woman in Omaha.  Of all the shareholder meetings in Omaha why hasn’t someone grabbed the mike and asked Mr. Buffett, “Please tell me how you have managed to have your wife and girlfriends get along so well?” I consider Mr. Buffett’s arrangement a far greater accomplishment than his investing results and philanthropic endeavors.

That said, I want you to be investors: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NYk-F81sfRE&feature=related

Test to Date Lindsay Lohan

Lindsay has asked me to screen any candidates so I have devised a simple one question test. To have any chance, you must answer the question correctly.

Choose one answer:

You meet Lindsay Lohan on your first date and immediately she asks you to help kill her father. You reply by saying:

  • I have done it before, and I can help you now.
  • Yes, but only if you help with my mother. Criss-cross. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X1jj73Nw58I
  • You offer her the services of your psychiatrist.
  • You say you forgot to put quarters in the parking meter and gently excuse yourself.
  • I gotta call 911.

If you fail this test then I recommend a training tape of how to date:


No more emails on dating Lindsay Lohan please!  Get back to work.