Tag Archives: video

Excellent Investing Video (Templeton, Buffett & Wilson)


Yes, I will still post on Sandstrom Gold (SAND) but another day.

The interviewer, “Adam Smith,” says the similarities among the investors are:

  • They have independence of mind
  • They trust their perceptions
  • They stick to what they know
  • They are intelligent
  • They have fun

After viewing the video, whip out a piece of paper and quickly jot down what EXACTLY can YOU use in your own investing approach?  Be specific! STOP! Take a walk for 20 minutes, then write down some more thoughts.   See the video again.  What can YOU implement?

I will post my thoughts next week.

Extra! Extra! Ben Graham Video Teaching At Columbia

Go to www.santangelsreview.com and sign up for free alerts on value investing events.  Thanks to the Sage Mr. Friedman, Editor of Santangelsreview.

How does it get any better than this?


from www.grahamanddoddesville.com

Legacy of Benjamin Graham

As far as I know, this video premiered at the Columbia Student Investment Management Conference held on Friday, February 1, 2013. This is the first live footage of Benjamin Graham that I have ever seen and includes interviews with Warren Buffett, Irving Kahn, Benjamin Graham, Jr., Charles Brandes and many others.  More phenomenal work from The Heilbrunn Center for Graham and Dodd Investing and Columbia Business School.