Value Vault Update
Many have been having troubles opening the Value Vault. The main problem is the size of the folder; there is a 2 Gig limit. Splitting folders means multiple emailing of keys. I get 10 requests a day so time constraints make this a hassle. Yes, there is Google, Dropbox and many other choices than Yousendit.com.
To make this blog more assessable for learning, I will post the videos up on this blog and the important books. All case studies, documents and more obscure books, I will place in a folder (less than 2 Gigs) or two and then email out all the keys.
This blog will no longer have advertising on it. The videos will have the corresponding case studies and financials for ease of study. Once that is up, you have about 10 valuation case studies with videos to develop your skills along with all the prior posts.
I have all your emails, so you won’t be forgotten when I email out the new keys. You will see the videos going up by tomorrow.
I have been finally approved as a kidney donor so I wait for the date of my surgery. More blood samples, CAT scans and X-rays have been taken of me than any lab rat. Ready to go so the recipient doesn’t have to suffer dialysis or death.
Quiz for emerging market value investors
Your company has been given a concession to open a resort on the North coast of Cuba. What recommendation would you make to your investment committee? What should your required rate of return be?