There are opportunities to learn all around us. The recent announcement of Microsoft’s $300 million investment in the Nook–Barnes & Noble’s eReader provides a reference point for valuation.
Barnes & Noble (BKS) Case Study Materials
BKS and MSFT Agreement 8K April 27 2012 What valuation can you derive from MSFT’s purchase price?
BKS 10Q March 8 2012 The most recent 10-Q. Combine with the 10-K to value BKS on your own. BKS 10K April 30 2011
The Amazon Letter discusses the Kindle: Amazon Letter to Shareholders 2011
Try to think about how you would value BKS. If you struggle, then look at the case study materials below, then return to the financial statements. Don’t become discouraged. The research report below isn’t perfect (lacks a full competitive analysis of the different businesses), but the report does do a good job in showing you how the author reached a valuation. You may disagree with the assumptions, but you know what they are.
When you read of a public transaction for a company or part of a company, you have a reference point to test your valuation skills. Good luck!