Tag Archives: The longest picture

Reading of Interest: Market Perspective Since the 1800s

Value Investing Newsletter

Value investing newsletter/email–ask to be on his distribution list so you can uncover interesting articles on investing: pcordway@gmail.com,

Two excellent blogs we can learn from:



And thanks to a reader, we have a chart book of markets since the 1800s for perspective. Fascinating!  The Longest Picture

Marie Eveillard

Another investor with an Austrian perspective on the gold market: http://www.kingworldnews.com/kingworldnews/Broadcast/Entries/2012/1/24_Jean-Marie_Eveillard.html

Investment Fees: http://blogs.cfainstitute.org/investor/2012/06/28/investment-management-fees-are-much-higher-than-you-think/

 Chanos Discusses Value Traps

 Chanos Value Traps June 2012 and more on Chanos:



Try to go the extra mile and look up the financials of any company he speaks about. What can you use from studying his presentation?