Tag Archives: The Little Book That Beats the Market

Lesson 4: The Acquirer’s Multiple

End nearWhat happens if you get scared half to death twice?  –S. Wright

We were unable to discover any ‘magic’ qualities associated with stocks selling below liquidation value. — Joel Greenblatt (How the Small Investor Can Beat the Market)

Enterprise Multiple = Earnings before interest, taxes, and depreciation & amortization, (“EBITDA”) divided by Enterprise Value (“EV”).

We need to understand the use of EBITDA, Why we must use EV, and the requirement to use pre-tax owner’s earnings or EBITDA – maintenance capex (“MCX”).

Placing EBITDA into Perspective (from the prior post) Suggested reading

EV The Price of a Business  Understanding and calculating EV. Suggested reading

Beginning lesson on Enterprise Value for beginners (Video, Khan Academy)

Pop Quiz: Why do you include minority interests with EV?

Why you use Enterprise Value (Review)

Minority Interests (Review)

Chapter 9 EV Multiples  Only if you dare. Heavy reading. Voluntary.

Let’s tackle really grasping the use of EV, EBITDA, and EBITDA – MCX

I will also send out the Little Book via email as supplementary reading for this chapter.

Good luck.

Beating the Market

The Little Book that Beats the Market

Little Book That Still Beats the Market, The – Joel Greenblatt

Video Lecture on the Book: