Tag Archives: Leverage

Burry Letters; Dalio (Leveraging and Deleveraging) and Leucadia ARs.

Thanks to a generous reader:

Burry Letters

BURRY_Scion_3Q_2006 and BURRY_Scion_1Q_2008

Leverage and Deleverage Updated March 2012

Dalio_Leveraging and Deleveraging

Buy high and sell low-Managing Money Managers

Hiring Money Managers or Buy High and Sell Low

Leucadia Annual Letters

1978    1979    1980     1981    1982    1983    1984     1985

1986      1987      1988     1989      1990       1991      1992      1993


1995       1996      1997      1998      1999      2000    2001   2002


Out of surgery and probably in recovery.

Xerox Case Study Analysis


To steal ideas from one person is plagiarism; to steal from many is research.–Steven Wright

We discussed the Xerox (XRX) here: http://wp.me/p1PgpH-zH.

Is the company over-leveraged?

You can download my comments here: http://www.yousendit.com/download/M3BsUXVpeFUwMEdLRmNUQw

Our goal is to have you practice skimming through the 10-K to find the critical information for making a particular judgment. There is no clear black or white answer since most investing requires judgment honed by practice and experience.

When determining the appropriate leverage, we have to understand the terms and conditions of the debt as well as the quality/cash flows of the assets being financed by that debt. Segment the different types of financing to gain a clearer understanding of the business and credit risks.

This wasn’t the best example, but the more you practice reading a 10-K the faster you will be able to organize your time.


Lecture 8: LEAPS

If you take the time to understand LEAPS (long-dated options) and combine this tool with your search for bargains, you can craft specific risk reward investments with 100% to 1,000% upside. In certain situations, you can design much better risk and reward outcome than investing in stock.  When LEAPS work well, they can becoming addictive, so portion control is critical.

The Professor looks at options/LEAPS in a unique way.

Go here: http://www.scribd.com/doc/68687870/Lecture-8-on-LEAPS