Yearly Archives: 2012

Part 4: Value-Line Analysis of Balchem

“Communism proposes to enslave men by force, socialism — by vote. It is merely the difference between murder and suicide.” – Ayn Rand

Reading the News

I ignore the headlines because the news generates too much distracting noise. For example, (yesterday, April 3, 2012) markets sell off because the FED will not continue with Quantitative easing “It’s just surprising that so many investors had expectations all over again that we would get an announcement that could indicate QE3,” said Zane Brown, fixed income strategist with Lord Abbett.

Watch what they do not what they say: or go to the Federal Reserve Data Site: If you couple the current data with Austrian Business Cycle Theory (“ABCT”), you know “quantitative easing” is at full throttle. Go Obama!

Part 4: Using Value-Line

In the first 45 seconds, the video describes Buffett’s search for “cigar butts” through looking through Moody’s Manuals:

Here are several Buffett investments found through Moody’s manuals (Interesting blog):


Go to Part 3 of our series on Value-Line to download the Case Study on Balchem if you have not done so.

Balchem is found in the Value-Line Small Cap Edition with only 8 or 9 years history. I penciled in Balchem’s 2011 numbers from their most recent (FY 2011) press release. Go here for the Value-Line: BCPC_VL

I IMMEDIATELY glance at the return on total capital (return on total capital is annual net profit plus ½ of annual long-term interest divided by the total of shareholders’ equity and long-term debt) and Return on Equity, ROE. Both are mid-to-high double digits for the past 9 years. Returns over 15% on total capital are strong and since returns track ROE there has been no-to-low levels of debt to fund growth (almost no pension obligations). Book value has been growing on average 20% per year. The company is growing through internally generated funds and excess cash of over $4 per share (144 million) in 2011.

A glance at the balance sheet shows only $3.4 million of LT debt versus $100 million (and more recently $145 million in cash in FY 2011).  Here is a strong balance sheet which reduces bankruptcy/default risk. Good.

The business has steady and high returns so I classify tentatively as a potential niche franchise. The company is generating cash so what are they doing with the cash? They are raising their dividends and letting cash build up. Shares are rising minimally but not shrinking. Good.

I jump up to sales and see a 10% to 14% rise in sales per share over the past 9 years with a blip down in 2009, but cash flow per share rose in 2009. All companies’ financial performance is somewhat cyclical but Balchem has shown amazingly steady results. Customers’ demand seems inelastic. The $290 million in revenues means the market is relatively small for their products? There is a need to understand the market size for this company’s products.

Sales are about $270 to $300 million so the business seems relatively small. Market cap is sub-$1 billion. Three analysts follow the company.  There probably isn’t much following on Wall Street since the company doesn’t raise money through Wall Street. But with performance being so steady for the past 10 years, this is not an orphan stock.

I estimate Free Cash flow is $about $1.30 or $1.60 – 0.28). To put a back of the envelope value I take $1.30 and divide by a cost of capital of 10% to 11% minus a perpetual growth rate of 5% to 6% (real growth of 2% and 3 to 4% of nominal growth) which–based on its past 22% growth in sales, earnings, cash flow and book value over 10 years–seems conservative. This past year, though, profitable growth “slowed to 10% to 14% in sales to cash flow per share. Perhaps there will be an immediate slowing of growth. If cash is building up then perhaps growth opportunities are harder to find? A $1.30 per share in FCF divided by (r-g) or (11% – 5% or 10%-6%) or $22 to $32 then add back the $4 per share in cash to get an estimate of $26 to $36 per share.  This is a down-and-dirty back of the envelope use to ball park my urgency.

STOP!  I use a DCF because this company is being valued on its future growth, but with three divisions, I will need to break out the valuation of each business–perhaps do a sum of the parts. This exercise is simply to ball park a tentative range of values to assess my urgency of doing more work on the company. It is NOT a comprehensive valuation!

Balchem seems reasonably priced. If the market were to believe the growth could stay at 10% for several years then probably in the $40s.

Right now, I am looking at a company with a good balance sheet that has grown at a high (15% to 22% rate) for the past 5 to 10 years through internally generated funds. This seems like a good business but I do not know what are the sources of competitive advantage.  Is the company experiencing a hiccup or a more fundamental competitive issue in its markets? Problem #1.

Can I understand this business? There are three segments: Choline Chloride to feed cows, sterilization products, encapsulation products for the food industry.  I don’t know, but I will read the last two years of annual reports of the business description and Management MD&A to see if I can get at the source of their returns and the market size of their products. Problem #2.

This may be time-consuming so find an hour to review. This business seems like it is a niche company compounding its capital at double-digit rates—it warrants the time. If the price dropped into the low $20s or high teens, there might be a good opportunity to buy. Do the work now, if you can grasp the business and what drives the company’s returns and whether it operates within protective barriers to entry.

If growth slows and cash keeps building up what will management do with the excess cash? Check management ownership and share ownership. Problem #3.

Verdict put this in the Read Annual Report File.


Retained to common equity also known as the “plowback” ratio,” is net income less all dividends (common and preferred), divided by common shareholders’ equity and is expressed as a percentage. It measures the extent to which a company has internally generated resources to invest for future growth. A high plowback ratio and rapidly growing book value are usually considered positive investment characteristics.

All dividends to Net Profit, or “payout ratio, “ measures the proportion of a company’s profits that is distributed as dividends to all shareholders—both common and preferred. Young, fast-growing firms reinvest most of their profits internally. Mature firms are better able to pay out a large share of earnings.

How do companies’s operating margins compare with the industry’s operating margins? Better

How do a company’s net profit margins compare with the industry’s margins? Better

Are a company’s returns on total capital and on shareholders’ equity greater or smaller than those of the industry? Better

The problem I see in deepening my analysis of Balchem is just my ability to understand the business, but I would need to check this by at least reading the annual report.

Comments and complaints welcomed. I will proceed with the Pepsi and Miller Industries in the next few posts.

New VIDEOS (2011) of Buffett Lectures and MORE

Beware of geeks bearing formulas.

Chains of habit are too light to be felt until they are too heavy to be broken.–Warren Buffett


Buffett on an INVESTMENT PHILOSOPHY and the Four Filters in finding investments. He discusses search strategy, valuation and moats. 10 minutes:  This will get you started.

A great review of his life and investing principles–Buffett Lecture to UGA Students on July 2011 (1 hour and 20 minutes):

Buffett lectures on Valuation, Moats, and You to Graduate Business School Students in INDIA (101 minutes):

Repeats some of what he said to the University of Georgia students but the interaction with the Indian Students is educational.

If you are hearing Buffett’s lectures for the first time, I STRONGLY suggest you read his writings (The Essays and Lessons of Warren Buffett) FREE here: then go back and hear the lectures again.  Repeat as necessary.

For example, his attack on Beta is instructive for our discussion of skill vs. luck (Yachtman) that we will continue later. See his quote: The fashion of beta, according to Buffett, suffers from inattention to “a fundamental principle: Itis better to be approximately right than precisely wrong.” Long-term investment success depends not on studying betas and maintaining a diversified portfolio, but on recognizing that as an investor, one is the owner of a business. Reconfiguring a portfolio by buying and selling stocks to accommodate the desired beta-risk profile defeats long-term investment success. Such “flitting from flower to flower” imposes huge transaction costs in the forms of spreads, fees and commissions, not to mention taxes.

Charlie Munger

Charlie Munger (2 hour) interview:

Joel Greenblatt

Joel Greenblatt interviewed by Steve Forbes on investing–the problems with traditional mutual funds and indexing:

James Grant

James Grant’s 2010 Lecture to Darden Students (90 minutes):

The Best of Past Value Investing Videos (2 hours and 45 minutes)

Clips from interviews with Walter Schloss, Munger, Buffett, Klarman, and others. A good review and reinforcement of principles.

Part 1 (41 minutes) The best of Value Investing

Part 2: (42 minutes) The best of Value Investing: Walter Schloss:

Part 3: (37 minutes)

Part 4: (30 minutes):

Part 5: (35 minutes)

The Danger of Gurus and Mentors

Beware of your Guru or Mentor; choose wisely (3.5 minutes):

Part 3: Using Value Line

No gold digging for me, I take diamonds. We may be off the gold standard some day.–Mae West

Part 3: Using Value-Line:

Part 2 was posted Also, Carl, a reader, kindly provided this link on analyzing Value-Line from a blog:

With experience you will come to recognize opportunities that make you tremble with greed or feel like being hit in the face with a flounder If you don’t know what opportunity is, then expect to do this:


Our goal is to find an inkling (first step) of a  compelling investment as we go through Value-Line—typically by industry groups. My methods are three-fold:

Number 1: I seek to categorize and eliminate companies quickly to narrow my search. Your investment process drives your search strategy. I categorize companies as either franchise companies that have profitable growth within barriers to entry (sub-3% of all public companies I estimate) and non-franchise companies or asset-based companies (95% to 98%). Of course, there are gradations within and between the categories.

Buffett would advise that you purchase the investment with the biggest discount to intrinsic value. An asset/non-franchise company–that can be valued with earnings power value cross-checked with replacement value and then you may have a conservative private market transaction as another marker—may be a better investment than a franchise type company depending upon the discount.  Time, however, is against your investment reaching your estimate of intrinsic value because growth is not profitable and without a catalyst like a corporate restructuring, you are dependent upon the market recognizing the value. If you buy a non-franchise type company make an effort to buy at a large discount and know why such a discount might be available—obscure, forgotten, hated, no analyst coverage or some combinations of those aspects. Are you fooling yourself?

With a franchise company I hope to receive the growth for free or for a low price as long as I am confident within reason of what the company will be earning.

Number 2: Note which companies you want to research in more detail; prioritize your efforts by urgency. What questions do you need answers for? Avoid reading the Value-Line comments and timeliness ratings because you wish to reach your own conclusions. Your goal is where to fish deeper not jump to a conclusion to buy or sell. Remember that steady sales, return on capital, strong balance sheets over a long period of time (eight to ten years plus) is EVIDENCE of not PROOF of a franchise/competitive advantage. The Value-Line is a first sweep.  The importance of using a Value-Line as a research tool is its simplicity and long history (Pepsi had 15 years of data) on one page.

Number 3: Gain a sense of the industry economics and overall prices being paid for various businesses. Which industries have poor, normal, great economics—steady sales growth, high and consistent ROIC, ROA, ROE, cash rich balance sheets? Is there anything unusual like very high or low profit margins, etc. Look for the unusual like high cash or debt levels. What seems to be the prices paid for various businesses? Look at prices after you have estimated the value of the business. What may strike you is how much investors are willing to over pay for weak companies. Graham considers this the major error investors make—overpaying at the top of a market for poorly performing (operationally/financially) companies. A money manager once joked that the secret to always outperforming an index was simple. Buy every company in the index except for the airlines.

Value-Line will report on each company about four times a year, so if you form the habit of going through the Value-Line tear sheets each week or every few weeks depending upon your interests, you will easily sort through companies quickly because you will remember your previous thoughts on each company. It takes practice but have good habits (Buffett’s talk to students on habits)

Let’s take an easy Tear Sheet, Capstone Turbine (CPST) here: (If link is gone then material is in Value Vault; ask for key) First, look at return on total capital (like a Doctor taking your pulse—focus on one key variable first). There is NMF or not meaningful. This company is profitless for almost a decade (PASS!). Sales are minimal, slow and erratic. No cash flow. How is the company surviving? Negative retained earnings. The management is eating into past capital (note book value per share declining steadily) raised and constantly shares are being issued as share count rises from 85 to 260 million shares. The company has no net debt, but the business seems dormant or in the land of the living dead. This is an immediate no interest (unless for short selling). File in the circular file. Time spent—15 seconds.

For fun, look how the company has been valued in the past as prices have ranged 3-xs to 5-xs from high to low price while this asset-based (microturbines) company clearly has no competitive advantage yet trades every two years at 5 times book value and 8 times sales while bleeding cash. Sales growth is meaningless. And the market is efficient? Investors love a lottery ticket.

IF there was any hidden value there might be large NOLs (Net Operating Losses to shield or reduce future taxes if profits are made in the future), but without future profits even that is a pipe dream.  Next time, I would glance for 1/10th of a second at the company, then flip the page or scroll down the computer screen.

In Part 4, next post: I will go immediately into Balchem, Pepsi, and Miller Industries. I penciled in the Balchem’s 2011 numbers from their most recent (FY 2011) press release. Tear Sheets are available from Part 2 here:

Thanks for your patience.

Activist Letter to Berkshire Hathaway’s Board

Luck is always the last refuge of laziness and incompetence. –James Cash Penney

Investors finally Take Action

The activist letter below shows how Berkshire Hathaway’s stock performance can be improved. Buffett has gotta go.  An incisive and brilliant analysis!

Distressed Investing Value Vault Folder Posted

Capitalism without bankruptcy is like Christianity without hell.–Frank Borman

Distressed Investing Folder

A key has been mailed to all those who have requested keys before. If you did not receive a key, please email ALDRIDGE@AOL.COM with DISTRESSED in the subject heading, and I will send you a key by the next day.  This is a new folder with the following five books. From time-to-time we will add to the books here. Those who have material they think will help investors learn, please share.

These books were donated by Saran, an investor/reader from India.

  1. Bankruptcy__distressed_restructurings.pdf
  2. Buyyout_MBO.pdf
  3. Corporate_Financial_Distress_and_Bankruptcy.pdf
  4. Creating_Value_Through_Corporate_Restructuring.pdf
  5. Distressed_debt_analysis_Moyer.pdf       Excellent!

Funeral Industry Case Studies

If you received the email and you do not want to be on the email list, please reply with DELETE in the subject heading.  Your email will remain private.


Distressed Debt Analysis, MBOs, Corporate Restructuring

A generous reader from India, Saran, has donated five books to the VALUE VAULT. On Monday, I will send out an email with the key to that folder (DISTRESSED) to all who have received keys before.  I will post an announcement when the keys have been emailed. Thanks again SARAN.

Hanging Threads

Part 3 in analyzing Mr. Yachtman–is it luck or skill will be forthcoming. I plan on not reading the many intelligent comments from readers on this subject until I post part 3 so I am not influenced. Then if readers have comments or questions, I will post replies.

Another post on ROIC is needed to complete the circle on that subject.

Then I will post the analysis of Fox Broadcasting Company for our ongoing study of Competition Demystified.

A folder is being built for a course on Mises’ Theory of Money and Credit. The folder in the Value Vault will contain Power Point slides and audio lectures on 8 weeks of key readings from the book. Also, there will be the book, a study guide, and quizzes to test your comprehension. The Theory of Money and Credit is the seminal work on the subject. It is a challenging read, but you will have a solid understanding of how the fractional reserve banking system creates the business cycle through its creation of fiduciary media. Understanding money can be like grasping Jello, but this work makes it possible.

Thanks for your patience.

Important Read on Franchise Investing and Investing “Gurus”

“In business, I look for economic castles protected by unbreachable ‘moats’.”–Warren Buffett

According to Buffett, the wider a business’ moat, the more likely it is to stand the test of time. In days of old, a castle was protected by the moat that circled it. The wider the moat, the more easily a castle could be defended, as a wide moat made it very difficult for enemies to approach. A narrow moat did not offer much protection and allowed enemies easy access to the castle. To Buffett, the castle is the business and the moat is the competitive advantage the company has. He wants his managers to continually increase the size of the moats around their castles.

When looking to purchase a business, Buffett pays careful attention to a business he understands not just in terms of what the business does but also of “what the economics of the industry will be 10 years down the road, and who will be making the money at that point.” He is “also looking for enduring competitive advantages.” This, in a nutshell, is what makes a company great: the width of the moat around the company’s core business.

The recent CIMA newsletter with interviews of von Mueffling, Michael Karsch, Sam Zell and others is excellent because the interviewees (without meaning to) emphasize many of the points we have been trying to learn, especially about how to analyze franchises. For example, we have been reading Competition Demystified and working through the case studies to help us understand different competitive moats and how companies competitively interact. Noting that a company has a high ROIC and stable market share over several years is a strong indication of a moat but not a guarantee. You then have to study the industry and the sources of competitive advantage. As beginners, we yearn for a paint-by-numbers-approach which is understandable and easy to apply.  As you practice and study industries/companies on your own, you can apply the lessons and hopefully then go beyond using your own creativity. To be really successful, you will need to be independently thoughtful and creative. Read the entire letter here:

Highlights of important lessons

My comments are in italics

William von Mueffling

One can broadly divide value investing into two camps. The first camp is the Graham & Dodd style which is buying assets at a discount or cash at a discount. The second camp is the Buffett style, which I characterize as buying financial productivity at a dis-count. We fall into the second camp. We believe that there are many different types of moats to be found, and that a moat around a business should allow it to produce outsized margins and wonderful returns on capital. The trick is being able to buy this stream of cash flows at a discount. Unlike Graham & Dodd investing where you might look at low price-to-book value companies or net-net companies, we are trying to buy high financial productivity at a discount to its intrinsic value.

Your editor has been using the terms franchise (Buffett style) and non-franchise (Graham & Dodd Asset style) to distinguish investments.  You want to buy cash flows at a discount—a wide discount that will incorporate a margin of safety and adequate return as you define adequate rate of return.

Then there are a group of companies where the moat is a network. Names we own in this area are Right-move, the leading property website in the UK and OpenTable, the dominant restaurant reservation web-site in the US. OpenTable is a destination website without physical assets. One of the things happening on the internet now is that verticals are being owned by dominant portals. People do not go to multiple web-sites for things like travel, dinner reservations, and real estate. If there is a dominant portal then there is a winner-take-all phenomenon. For example, Priceline is the dominant portal for travel in Europe. Similarly,  Rightmove ―owns‖real estate in the UK. The stronger these portals get, the bigger the network effect and the higher the prof-its.

Our job as analysts is to spend the entire day asking ourselves: ―what do we get and what are we paying for it? There is a reason why large cap pharmaceuticals trade at low PE multiples and a reason why trades at a very high PE multiple. We all have to work very hard for our keep. The market understands the strengths and weaknesses of various companies. You have to pay more for a company with a great moat.

Respect the market because there is always another person on the other side of the trade from you and one of you is the fool. Understand why the market is perceiving the company the way it is currently. What is your variant perception?

Search Strategy

Tano Santos, Columbia Business School‘s David L. and Elsie M. Dodd Professor of Finance and Economics, has done some great work on high-ROE investing recently. and His work indicates that the best opportunities are not in the high-ROE companies with the lowest PE multiples – these companies usually have some structural problem such as a lack of growth, or in the case of large cap pharmaceuticals, patents that are expiring. Tano‘s work suggests that the best place to be in high-ROE investing is in names that are neither super-expensive nor super-cheap, where the market has a hard time trying to figure out what the right price is. This is where the best in-vesting returns can be made. This is where we are generally most successful finding opportunities. What typically happens is that the market pays a very high multiple for fast growing companies with the best moats and a very low multiple for high-ROE businesses that have structural issues – neither of these places is the best area to search for ideas. Rather, the best place to look is in the middle of the pack and to figure out which of these companies is mispriced.

The single biggest thing that has changed from when I started my investing career to today is that the macro environment has enormous risks that are now coming to a head. As a result, I think that there are many more value traps to-day. Until the financial crisis, every company seemingly was growing. In the aftermath of the credit bubble and in the years ahead, one thing we can say with some confidence is that we will not have much growth in the West for some time.

You need to be aware of financial conditions and the Fed’s manipulation of the economy through its interest rate policy/actions. Understand Austrian Business Cycle Theory.

In high-ROE investing your time horizon really should be infinite. The fantasy is that you never ever sell any of your holdings. If a company generates very high ROEs and does good things with its cash flow such as reinvesting in the right projects or buying back stock, they will continually grow earnings. Your price target, which you base on next year‘s earnings, will always be increasing so you will reset your price target and continue to hold the stock. The poster child for this is Swedish Match, a company which I first invested in 1995 at Lazard Asset Management, and later when I founded Cantillon. It has been one of the most amazing stocks in Europe during that time. The multiple never gets higher than 17x, but every krona of free cash goes to buying back shares.

The most common mistakes that people make in high-ROE investing is confusing high operating margins and high ROEs with a moat. If it smells like a commodity business but the returns are higher than a commodity business, it is likely still a commodity business. Mistakes I‘ve made have been situations where I have not adhered to this advice and I‘ve fallen in love with the returns generated by a company and failed to pay attention to the nature of the business.

ROE can be misleading if the ROE is not sustainable. Always normalize earnings. Technology can disrupt an ROE. At the same time, you can have industries that go from low ROE to high ROE through consolidation. A good example of this is the US aluminum can industry, which was highly fragmented in the early 1990s. The industry went through rapid consolidation during the 1990s until there were two main players remaining, Ball Corporation and Rexam. ROE went from very low levels to roughly 20% after the consolidation. However, for every example like this I can give you another where an industry goes through consolidation but the return profile does not improve.

The type of industry and the interactions (Prisoner’s Dilemma) between competitors can be critical for profitability.

The way many companies destroy high ROE is through making expensive acquisitions. Heineken‘s core business is an amazing one, but in the late 1990s and early 2000s, it was paying very high multiples for many low-quality brewers. This drove Heineken‘s ROE down and destroyed share-holder value. All of the companies we own throw off a ton of cash, so you have to know what management is going to do with it.

What makes a great investment analyst in your mind?

If being smart and having an MBA were the answer, there would be a lot of great investors. So there must be some other quality that is necessary to be a great investor. I think that quality is good judgment. An analyst needs the judgment to determine that businesses, moats, and management teams may not be as good as they seem. The problem is that this is a very tough thing to interview for.

Judgment is built through reading, practice (case studies) and being diligent and honest in reviewing failures and successes, so keep track of your progress by keeping a journal.

When you see so many mutual funds with 100% turnover, you know that they are not following a robust strategy. Most importantly, find someone whom you enjoy working with. And read a lot.

Michael Karsch

G&D:  At Columbia we are taught to look for companies with sustainable moats around the business. But you tend to be more of a ―growth at a reasonable price investor. How do you try and blend the two together?

MK: I‘ve always asked, “Do you want to be a journalist or an editorialist?” Just identifying great companies with large moats around them isn‘t enough. In my opinion, you‘re a journalist in that case and you will probably be a solid role player, not a superstar. I don‘t think you‘re going to I think analysts spend too much time building models and being myopic in that regard and they don‘t spend enough time trying to take a broader perspective. That‘s why we try to stress focusing on an industry before a specific company. This has become a more complex business over time. It used to be enough for a professional football player to be over 300 lbs or a professional basketball player to be over 7 ft. Now you have to be 7 ft. and fast, or 300 lbs and quick. Stock-picking is the same way. You need to be very good with the computer and going through the documents but you also need to be creative.


You won’t get rich figuring out whether Porter‘s five forces fit into a given company or not. The value-add is on the editorial side. You be-come a superstar by developing and using your own judgment, rather than what textbooks tell you, to figure out what‘s a great stock and why. You can start by identifying and learning from great stock pickers. Obsessively try and figure out what they‘re doing. And it‘s not just, ―oh, I‘m going to follow XYZ investor, and do exactly what he does. You have to try to understand why they are investing in a particular company and what their point of differentiation is.

He is describing what we all should strive for as developing investors. Here at csinvesting we (you and I) are putting together the building blocks to help YOU use your own judgment regarding analyzing businesses, industries, and various investment problems.

―A great analyst recognizes that this is a mentoring business and actively seeks out mentors in order to become successful. They also understand it’s a non-linear progression business. When an analyst understands that, they’re able to think about their game plan very differently. They understand that the market is always improving and their skill set needs to also.

William Strong: Equinox

What we do different from others is to maintain a very long time horizon. In our industry this is a luxury, as many other investment firms have clients that do not let them do this. As a result of having a very long time horizon, we can sit back and try to logically imagine a very different financial environment than the one we are in today. We are looking for larger themes that will produce epic investment results. We think about the themes that we want to be in, and in those themes, find different great businesses that we want to own. We look for jurisdictions where there are maximum misconception and extreme valuation anomalies.

What advice would you give to students interested in a career in investing?

 WS: My strong advice is to do what you like to do. I think there are too many people going into the investment business because of outsized compensation which I don‘t believe can last.

I heartily agree with the gentleman’s advice. We are in a down cycle for Wall Street so pursue your passion.

G&D: What do you look for when hiring an analyst?

WS: One of the things that is really important is the ability to think independently. So much of the value in what we do is disagreeing with the consensus, so you want someone who is comfortable doing that. Also important is the ability to be rational and have good quantitative skills.

Sam Zell

I start by not paying much attention to the market. This is why I suggest you look at the Value-Line tear sheets or an annual report WITHOUT looking at price so you are not influenced by or anchor on price until you reach a conclusion—if you can–on the business.

I think the Street reflects the value of the last share, but the true value of the asset may be more or less than what’s indicated publicly. In the same manner, I don’t make investments predicated on the assumption that there’s a greater fool out there who’s going to buy it from me for more than I paid for it. I look for situations that logically make sense to me.

―I had an inherent skepticism of marketing because I felt that it wasn’t measurable. My philosophy was to invest in businesses that served externally created demand – businesses where I didn’t have to generate demand. As an example, in the mid-80s, I bought the largest dredging company in the world because I knew that every day the rivers and the harbors are silting, creating demand for the product I produced.

Mr. Zell knows his circle of competence and that, in turn, influences where he finds investments.

I reminded myself that everything is about supply and demand. I knew that when the supply and demand curves for boxcars met, I could make a fortune. So I went out and bought all of the used railcars in America. … We did extraordinarily well because we had bought these railcars at significant discounts to replacement cost and yet rented them at market rates. … All anyone had to do was put the pieces together.

Mr. Zell keeps it simple. Note that he uses replacement cost in this particular instance.

―We don’t invest in high-tech, simply because we don’t understand it and because it’s valued on if-come-maybe. … I can do much better prognosticating value on something I understand than on companies that are valued by a third party. That’s really key to how I look at things. I’ve never been willing to depend on a third party to value my investments. I have to value them myself and I have to look at my investments as though I’m going to own them permanently.

One more time: think for yourself; don’t rely on Wall Street.

Other readings:

Alice’s Schroeder’s initial research report on Berkshire Hathaway:

Big, Bad Bernanke by Louis Lowenstein. Note the readers’ comments.

Part 2: Yachtman’s Performance Analyzed; No ALPHA!?

My argument isn’t to make the claim that the market cannot be beaten  with analysis. I would never say that. It’s easy to find mutual fund  managers who have beaten the market in the past. It’s much harder to  determine if a particular manager was lucky or skillful at doing it.

Eugene F. Fama and Kenneth R. French looked into this issue in their working paper titled, Luck versus Skill in the Cross Section of Mutual Fund Returns.  Their study focused on U.S. equity mutual fund managers from 1984 to  2006. It’s no surprise that they found that in aggregate,  actively-managed U.S. equity mutual funds performed close to the market  before costs and below the market after costs. The big question they  were trying answer was did the winning managers have skill or were they  just lucky?


Part 2 in Analyzing Yachtman’s Long-term Performance

In part three, I will put forth my two cents on the skill vs. luck question. I do have issues with the way presents their analysis/results. What do YOU think?

In part one,, Yachtman’s results were presented: On an Annual Basis: His three-year returns:  8.93%;     five-year: 8.49%;    ten-year: 13.59%. Those results won him Morningstar’s Manager of the Year for Large Cap Value.

Now, an analyst from discusses Morningstar’s Manager of the Year, Mr. Yachtman’s long-term returns (since inception of the Yachtman Fund or 18 years). Does he generate Alpha? Would you be better off in an index fund? Watch the nine minute video

To see a chart of Yachtman’s, Miller’s and other famous gurus’ performance analyzed by IFA go to: Click on CHART INDEX, then #3 Stock Pickers, then Scroll down and click on Yachtman Chart/Performance on the right. View analyses of other money managers.

More research on analyzing fund performance:

False Discoveries in Mutual Fund Performance,  Measuring Luck in Estimating Alphas:

ABSTRACT: This paper uses a new approach to determine the fraction of truly skilled managers among the universe of U.S. domestic-equity mutual funds over the 1975 to 2006 period. We develop a simple technique that properly accounts for “false discoveries,” or mutual funds which exhibit significant alphas by luck alone. We use this technique to precisely separate actively managed funds into those having (1) unskilled, (2) zero-alpha, and (3) skilled fund managers, net of expenses, even with cross-fund dependencies in estimated alphas. This separation into skill groups allows several new insights. First, we find that the majority of funds (75.4%) pick stocks well enough to cover their trading costs and other expenses, producing a zero alpha, consistent with the equilibrium model of Berk and Green (2004). Further, we find a significant proportion of skilled (positive alpha) funds prior to 1995, but almost none by 2006, accompanied by a large increase in unskilled (negative alpha) fund managers—due both to a large reduction in the proportion of fund managers with stock-picking skills and to a persistent level of expenses that exceed the value generated by these managers. Finally, we show that controlling for false discoveries substantially improves the ability to find funds with persistent performance.

The role of Return Based Style Analysis. Understanding, implementing and interpreting the technique.


Since its introduction in 1989, returns-based style analysis has fundamentally changed the way many investment analysts assess the behavior of money managers 1 .A number of firms quickly appreciated the benefits of this new technique and began selling software that would perform the necessary calculations. Today, style analysis is no longer housed only within the purview of highly paid consultants and mutual fund rating agencies, instead, anyone with a PC and a little data can assess the style of managers and mutual funds.

Of course, as with any sophisticated new technique, returns-based style analysis has been the source of considerable debate. Generally we have found that the debate relates to two main areas: 1) the role of returns-based style analysis and 2) proper implementation and application of the technique. The purpose of this paper is first to provide a quick summary of what returns-based style analysis is. We then will do some trouble-shooting, addressing potential pitfalls one by one, with an eye to providing insights and methodologies for effective implementation and interpretation of the analysis.

1 Returns-

What is Returns-Based Style Analysis?

Returns-based style analysis is a statistical technique that identifies what combination of long positions in passive indexes would have most closely replicated the actual performance of a fund over a specified time period. The passive indexes selected typically represent distinct investment styles within particular asset classes. For example, we might use returns-based style analysis across the large company stock, international stock, and small company stock indexes for an equity manager with a global mandate (“Global Fund”). Given a time period of, say January 1985 to December 1987, we may see results such as 50 percent international stock, 25 percent large company stock, and 25 percent small company stock.

Don’t be fooled!

There are many lessons. Note how important the time periods chosen are in illustrating results, but are the records statistically significant? Skill or luck? Are there any problems with the statistical method applied to the fund manager’s results? Are there any biases by the firm doing the report?


At the end of the day, we want to learn from Mr. Yachtman’s value investing approach, but remain true to ourselves.  Yo don’t want to blindly mimic anyone.

Jim Carey doing Vanilla Ice (twisted):

Michael Jackson Parady (Do NOT watch if you are a fan!):

MC Hammer:

Be successful in your own way.

Corporate Profits and Reversion to the Mean

Stein was the formulator of “Herbert Stein’s Law,” which he expressed as “If something cannot go on forever, it will stop,” by which he meant that if a trend (balance of payments deficits in his example) cannot go on forever, there is no need for action or a program to make it stop, much less to make it stop immediately; it will stop of its own accord.[2] It is often rephrased as: “Trends that can’t continue, won’t.”






Go read the full post on corporate profits here:

Perhaps the market is already anticipating a reversion to the mean:






James Montier of GMO emphatically says reversion is inevitable. However, does that mean stocks will decline?



Efficient Market Theory

Does anyone think EMT–say it fast five times as loud as you can, what do you hear–is like the BLACK KNIGHT?

No matter what the evidence or facts against the theory, it is only a flesh wound?

Part 1: Video Lecture of Investing “Guru” Mr. Yachtman, A Large Cap Value Investor

On Wall Street he and a few others – how many? three hundred, four hundred, five hundred? had become precisely that… Masters of the Universe.–Tom Wolfe

Yachtman Video Lecture (90 minutes) at a business school

Yachtman is considered a large-cap value manager. Active vs. Passive Investing. Did Mr. Yachtman exhibit skill as an active stock-picker? Learn about his fund here:

Wealth Trak Video (10 minutes) Interview:

Three year returns:    8.93%;     five year: 8.49%;    10 year: 13.59%

Yachtman Video Lecture (90 minutes):

In part 2 we will try to determine if his results are due to skill or luck. Thoughts?