Category Archives: Risk Management

Valuing a Cyclical Company: Cypress Semiconductor (CY)


Ludwig von Mises:

“Government is in the last resort the employment of armed men, of policemen, gendarmes, soldiers, prison guards, and hangmen. The essential feature of government is the enforcement of its decrees by beating, killing, and imprisoning. Those who are asking for more government interference are asking ultimately for more compulsion and less freedom.” (Mises, Human Action, Chapter XXVII, Part 2)

Murray Rothbard:

“The State is a group of people who have managed to acquire a virtual monopoly of the use of violence throughout a given territorial area. In particular, it has acquired a monopoly of aggressive violence, for States generally recognize the right of individuals to use violence (though not against States, of course) in self-defense. The State then uses this monopoly to wield power over the inhabitants of the area and to enjoy the material fruits of that power. The State, then, is the only organization in society that regularly and openly obtains its monetary revenues by the use of aggressive violence; all other individuals and organizations (except if delegated that right by the State) can obtain wealth only by peaceful production and by voluntary exchange of their respective products. This use of violence to obtain its revenue (called “taxation“) is the keystone of State power. Upon this base the State erects a further structure of power over the individuals in its territory, regulating them, penalizing critics, subsidizing favorites, etc. The State also takes care to arrogate to itself the compulsory monopoly of various critical services needed by society, thus keeping the people in dependence upon the State for key services, keeping control of the vital command posts in society and also fostering among the public the myth that only the State can supply these goods and services. Thus the State is careful to monopolize police and judicial service, the ownership of roads and streets, the supply of money, and the postal service, and effectively to monopolize or control education, public utilities, transportation, and radio and television.” (Rothbard, War, Peace, and the State)

This writer believes government is necessary to protect–through legitimate force–the individual rights and freedoms of its citizens. The rule of law and property rights are essential. The problem occurs when government goes beyond this boundary.

Valuing A Cyclical Company

A few readers have asked about how to value a cyclical company.  Rather than give my view, perhaps listening to how an entrepreneur of a cyclical company views the price and value of his company.

I think you will gain if you read all the materials.

TJ Rodgers Letters to Shareholders about the Stock Price of Cypress: CS on a Cyclical Business or Thinking About Cypress Stock

Also, view the Value-Line to see the company’s history: CY_VL

An industry perspective circa 2002 is presented here: download_t_j__rodgers__cdc_2002_keynote_presentation

Questions and thoughts are encouraged.

So What Can You Do With $100?

“And right here let me say one thing:  After spending many years in Wall Street and after making and losing millions of dollars I want to tell you this:  It never was my thinking that made the big money for me.  It always was my sitting.  Got that?  My sitting tight!  It is no trick at all to be right on the market.  You always find lots of early bulls in bull markets and early bears in bear markets.  I’ve known many men who were right at exactly the right time, and began buying and selling stocks when prices were at the very level which should show the greatest profit.  And their experience invariably matched mine – that is, they made no real money out of it.  Men who can both be right and sit tight are uncommon.  I found it one of the hardest things to learn.  But it is only after a stock operator has firmly grasped this that he can make big money.  It is literally true that millions come easier to a trader after he knows how to trade than hundreds did in the days of his ignorance.”  — Jesse Livermore

What would you say?

If I said to you RIGHT after the October Stock Market Crash of 1987 when the market fell by more than 500 points in one day: give me $100 to put into a growing company with a profitable, understandable and focused business, excellent management and prospects, but I will pay 20 times owner earnings for it, would you think about it? But what if I said, “The catch is that you must not sell a single share for 25 years or until 2013. Also, during this time there will be massive stock market booms and busts, a huge credit crisis, wars and uncertainty, There will be periods of 50% to 60% declines in the stock market.  Can you sit tight?

Stay tuned to what happened and is happening….


The Dark Side of a Value Investor, Prem Watsa of Fairfax Financial

A reader sent me this link of a great blog on forensic accounting. There are lessons here from morality, survival instincts, to overplaying a hand, to accounting shenanigans and to my loss of yet another value  investing icon–Prem Watsa. Did he engage in a sham transaction to save his company from collapse during 2003?  See for yourself.

The Financial Investigator

The dark side of a well known value investor

Fairfax’s purchase of 4.3 million shares of Stamford, Ct.-based Odyssey Re, increasing its stake to just over 80% from 74%, was the most consequential transaction in Watsa’s career. Though few understood it at the time, the March 2003 deal allowed the then money-losing Fairfax to take advantage of a little understood maneuver called “tax consolidation,” enabling Fairfax to claim (and receive) the profitable Odyssey Re’s tax payments.

Between 2003 and 2006, these payments amounted to more than $400 million.

That cash stream helped Fairfax avoid a brutal accounting charge that might have proven its undoing and boost its share price over several months to almost $250 from a January 2003 low of $57.

Ecstatic investors and nine-figure wealth was only the half of it for Fairfax and Watsa: The company launched a furious legal campaign in 2006 against a group of short-sellers who had (in some instances) quite publicly bet on the insurer’s demise, a campaign now entering its sixth year. Though developments and rulings in the case have recently been sharply unfavorable for Fairfax, its opponents have been silenced and their short-sales unprofitably covered. (Lessons here for Short-Sellers and investors in insurance companies)

With the breathing room the cash afforded, Fairfax was able to access the capital markets, allowing it the flexibility to wager more than $340 million on credit default swaps that exploded in value as the credit crisis worsened in 2007 and 2008. The bet paid off brilliantly and Fairfax ultimately reported a $2.1 billion gain, completing a five-year metamorphosis that saw almost $6 billion added to its book value.

Fairfax is now a full fledged cult stock among value investors, and its success led at least one well-known investor to announce his switch from being short to proudly owning the shares (he has since sold the stock.)

The Odyssey Re share purchase was born in the desperation of a looming collapse.

Because of insurance losses from the September 11 attacks, the need to increase reserves and a bad acquisition, Fairfax’s auditors at PWC had concluded that an arcane tax asset then crucial to its balance sheet was going to have to be written down.

Called net operating loss carryovers (NOLs), they represent a company’s accrued operating losses that can be applied against future income to lower the company’s taxable income. Here’s how they work: a company with $500 million in taxable income and a $250 million NOL could apply it to cut the amount of taxable income in half. NOLs are certainly handy but they come with a firm proviso: they have a defined shelf life and can be used only when a company is “More likely than not” to generate the income to offset them, usually within seven years.

In other words, PWC had real doubts Fairfax could generate enough income in the future to warrant keeping the NOLs attributable to its U.S. operations. So in February 2003, the auditors informed the company that as of June 30, they were recommending half of its $795 million worth of U.S. NOLs on the balance sheet–or $348 million–be written down.

To be sure, companies large and small are constantly shifting the value of assets on their balance sheet for dozens of valid reasons.

But this was different. Did Watsa engage in a sham tax transaction?

PWC was demanding a material valuation allowance which would be accounted for as a charge against earnings. The charge would have given Fairfax their second massive annual loss in three years and prompt further share price declines–its market cap was around $1 billion at the time, and had dipped down to about $750 million that January–but where the real trouble lay was in the specter of credit downgrades, both on its corporate debt and its financial strength ratings, a key barometer of its claims paying ability. In early 2003, declining liquidity prompted Standard & Poor’s to reduce Fairfax’s credit ratings even further below investment-grade. Its insurance ratings from A.M. Best were affirmed only after the Odyssey Re deal was complete, a process Ambridge had spent weeks communicating with A.M. Best’s Joyce Sharaf about.

Thus buying the 4.3 million Odyssey Re shares that would take them to 80% ownership and tax consolidation was no longer an option, but a necessity.

There was a hitch, however, as Fairfax didn’t have the cash to spare.

To get around this, Fairfax’s Watsa and his staff, in conjunction with a Bank of America Securities team, came up with a three-step, cashless (oh no!) proposal whose final iteration was this:

1. NMS Cayman Services Ltd., an offshore affiliate of Bank of America Securities, borrowed the 4.3 million shares from 10 different institutions and then re-loaned the stock to Fairfax.

2. In lieu of cash, Fairfax issued a $78 million note to the same BAS affiliate as payment.

3. Fairfax then pledged the newly acquired Odyssey Re shares back to Bank of America Securities as collateral for the notes.

To outsiders, the Odyssey Re note deal was designed to appear like a convertible bond: It bore an interest rate and in March 2005 (two years after the transaction) was exchangeable into Odyssey Re stock, giving the holder–NMS, the Bank of America Securities affiliate–the right to swap back into the shares.

To insiders, including Bank of America’s credit analysis unit and Fairfax’s leadership, there was little doubt that the exchange would be made in two years: The Fairfax bonds carried a below-market interest rate of 3.15% and, according to then CFO Trevor Ambridge, the bonds represented “an inferior risk exposure” for Bank of America. Had Bank of America Securities held the bonds and not exchanged them back into stock, they would have been short 4.3 million, or 33% of the remaining Odyssey Re float, something the firm estimated would have taken 20 months to buy back in the open market and, quite likely, cost their trading desk tens of millions of dollars in losses.

Per Ambridge, in a July 2003 E-mail to a PWC partner, the transaction was structured to secure a block of stock for a limited amount of time for tax consolidation purposes without reducing the public “float,” or shares available for trading. He did not even want the extra 6% worth of Odyssey Re’s earnings included in Fairfax’s income statement since it was inevitable that Bank of America would exercise its exchange privilege and take the shares back in two years.

The transaction’s structure also casts doubt on whether Fairfax’s Odyssey Re maneuvers allow it to claim true ownership of the stock.

Robert Giammarco, a Bank of America Securities banker who helped design the deal, noted in an E-mail to colleagues that one of the transaction’s “disadvantages” was it “Does not provide true economic ownership” of the Odyssey Re stock to Fairfax. [Giammarco would go on to serve a 19-month term as CFO of Odyssey Re before joining Merrill Lynch prior to its purchase by Bank of America Securities in 2008. Fairfax asserted to the New York Times that he recanted his description of the deal in a 2011 deposition.]

Recall that Bank of America Securities did not sell Fairfax the securities, but borrowed the shares and then “sold” them to Fairfax for what both parties understood was to be a defined period; neither party ever exchanged cash as part of the deal because of the anticipated use of the conversion feature. Fairfax did not own them in any broadly understood sense of the word since it was not entitled to profit or loss from the 4.3 million Odyssey Re shares nor could they re-lend (or, in Wall Street parlance, re-hypothecate) them out. The company was also forbidden to sell any of the share block. Put simply, for all the deal’s complexity and hard work, the additional shares gave Fairfax no obvious economic privileges nor exposure to Odyssey Re.

Similarly, in agreeing to compensate Bank of America Securities for all of its hedging costs or losses, Fairfax was engaging in economic behavior entirely outside of market norms for a purchaser of securities. Edward Kleinbard, Third Point Management’s expert witness, noted in his opinion, “No bona fide owner of stock would agree to cover a short-sellers cost of maintaining its open short sale.”

The economic exposure argument is key since it appears there was no way Fairfax could profit from the Odyssey Re deal. If the stock price went up, Bank of America Securities would simply exercise their conversion privilege, without incurring any additional cost. On February 7, 2003, Prem Watsa wrote an E-mail to Sam Mitchell (a friend who would later become an executive with Hamblin Watsa, Fairfax’s investment subsidiary, and a board member of companies Fairfax had substantial investments in, Odyssey Re and Overstock) discussing an earlier version of the deal, noting that the “Purchaser [of the notes, i.e. seller of the stock] maintains upside/downside in ORH….”

Kleinbard terms this deal a “borrow to hold” because, in his view, its only conceivable goal was to show enough shares to convince the Internal Revenue Service to grant tax consolidation.

The one benefit that Fairfax did obtain from the Odyssey Re transaction was voting rights. Looked at plainly, however, the applicable law governing tax consolidation, IRS code 1504(a), offers the company little comfort, stating that tax consolidation applies only to companies owning 80% of the value of shares outstanding and 80% of the total voting power of those shares. At the end of the transaction, Fairfax still owned 74% of the shares outstanding and had constructed a proxy on 6.6% of the rest.


The circular path to regulatory approval for the March 2003 Odyssey Re deal began with Trevor Ambridge’s assertion to Ernst & Young–hired to write an opinion of the deal–that Fairfax “Will acquire good and marketable title to the Purchase Shares, free of any mortgage, lien, charge, encumbrance or adverse or other interest.” To comply with the IRS regulations above, Ambridge also wrote that, “Members of the Fairfax Consolidated Group will own Shares [of Odyssey Re Stock] representing at least 80 percent of both the total voting power and the total value of all of the issued and outstanding shares of Odyssey Re’s stock.”

Fortunately for Ambridge and Fairfax, E&Y’s opinion was entirely based on the assumption that share ownership was a settled matter.

Richard Fung, part of the E&Y team that worked on the opinion for Fairfax, said in a deposition that much of his firm’s work was based on a so-called rep letter from management asserting exactly what Ambridge claimed above. According to Fung, E&Y never examined how Fairfax obtained the shares and, had he and his colleagues understood that the entire goal of the transaction was based on exchanging the shares back to Bank of America Securities in two years, their opinion likely would have been different.

In a footnote at the end of Kleinbard’s opinion, he discusses his examination of Fairfax’s E-mails and internal correspondence in light of their assertions before the Internal Revenue Service about the transaction.

According to Kleinbard, Fairfax broadly misrepresented the deal to the IRS.

One example cited was the company’s claim that, “Fairfax had complete risk of loss with respect to the purchased shares, and the possibility of benefiting from their long-term appreciation.”

Ambridge, in the July 2003 E-mail above, argued a very different conclusion to the PWC auditors.

Even if the Odyssey stock price drops sharply, he wrote, there is no valid economic reason for Bank of America Securities to elect to hold Fairfax’s low interest-rate, then junk-rated debt. He estimated that the Odyssey Re “break-even” share price, or the point at which it would be reasonable to hold off on the exchange and keep Fairfax’s 3.15% debt, was $13.49. Even so, Ambridge (as Kleinbard argued) the price would be likely much lower than that since a drop to that level–Odyssey was then trading at about $18–would certainly imply Fairfax was also under economic stress, making ownership of its subordinated debt an even riskier proposition than taking the stock back.


A casual observer would conclude that Prem Watsa and Fairfax have matters well in hand.

The ledgers run thick with black ink (with some exceptions due to spikes in catastrophe claims) and if the lawsuit against short-sellers has not proceeded seamlessly, Watsa certainly has a much better reputation among investors than fellow short-selling litigants Patrick Byrne of Overstock and Eugene Melnyk of Biovail, both of whom have poor track records of building shareholder value.

So the IRS Whistleblower suit from 2007 pressing claims about the Odyssey Re transaction more than nine years later might well look futile given the scope of Watsa’s recent achievements with Fairfax. Investors, enjoying the recent elevation of the share price, and Fairfax’s legal and media advisors, who have earned tens of millions of dollars in fees from its legal, reputational and regulatory battles, may well downplay a complaint filed in an office known for its lethargy.

But it is unlikely Prem Watsa will. After all, few executives should have a keener appreciation of how narrow the line really is between good and ill fortune and desperation and the miraculous.

Fairfax was approached for comment on this article via E-mail through its longtime outside public relations advisors at Sitrick & Co. They declined comment.

A few words of disclosure: I was the first reporter to write about this transaction in July 2006 and I am the financial journalist described in their suit against analysts and hedge funds. In the summer of 2011, Fairfax subpoenaed me for a deposition but I fought it and won.

The whole saga is an amazing case study and morality tale:

Lawyers, Guns and Money

I’ll send Mr. Watsa this:

Volatility at World’s End or the Alchemy of Risk

Volatility at World’s End

Deflation, Hyperinflation and the Alchemy of Risk

Artemis Capital Q12012_Volatility at World’s End

The above 18 page report will help you understand how huge debts can either cause deflation or hyperinflation. A thought-provoking read that I highly recommend.


Earlier I posted on hyperinflation here:

When NO ONE accepts a fiat currency then the inflation is infinite. No amount of paper currency–even by the ton–will be used as a medium of exchange. ….Back to barter we would go until a new medium of exchange is found or used.

Current Market Situation

Pat Dorsey and Buffett on Moat Investing; Great Blogs



  1. Customer switching costs: A customer would have to take a lot of time or money to switch like Microsoft’s Office Software.
  2. Network effect: credit cards which benefit by increasing units. Ebay.
  3. Cost advantages: A low cost producer. Process based cost advantages like Dell’s build to order are not as durable. Scale based cost advantage like UBS with a dense network of vans and shipping points.
  4. Intangible assets-brands, regulatory approvals, patents-that provide pricing power.

How management affects moats:

It is better to invest in a great business. Common attributes of management teams that have built or destroyed competitive advantages.  A view of businesses along the commoditization spectrum–Oil service businesses to Disney.  Management has more influence on a commoditized business. Ask whether management understands what drives the moat.

Wal-Mart’s laser-focus on low price.

Strayer Education—has a focus on educational quality. Focus on key metrics of the business.

Always widen the moat. Don’t deworsify. ADP’s bad acquisitions.

Value or Value Trap:

Annual report forensics:

Buffett’s Criteria for Investments

How Buffett identifies a good investment:

Buffett says, “Throw at my head”:  What Buffett looks for in an investment–the chewing gum market. I want to know about what the economics of the business will look like in ten years.

Great Blogs  A value investor who seeks the nooks and crannies of the market. Some excellent articles found here.

The Flaws of Finance

James Montier’s Behavioral Investing Podcast

His talk starts at the 18:30 mark. Note his comments on fin. models and the Fed.

His recent article at discussing this lecture The Flaws of Finance

Investment Methodology for Investing in Franchises

“To invest successfully, you need not understand beta, efficient markets, modern portfolio theory, option pricing or emerging markets. You may, in fact, be better off knowing nothing of these. That, of course, is not the prevailing view at most business schools, whose finance curriculum tends to be dominated by such subjects. In our view, though, investment students need only two well-taught courses – How to Value a Business, and How to Think About Market Prices.”

“Your goal as an investor should simply be to purchase, at a rational price, a part interest in an easily-understandable business whose earnings are virtually certain to be materially higher five, ten and twenty years from now. Over time, you will find only a few companies that meet these standards – so when you see one that qualifies, you should buy a meaningful amount of stock. You must also resist the temptation to stray from your guidelines: If you aren’t willing to own a stock for ten years, don’t even think about owning it for ten minutes. Put together a portfolio of companies whose aggregate earnings march upward over the years, and so also will the portfolio’s market value.” (1996 Chairman’s Letter–Warren Buffett

Franchise Investing

Many weeks ago I mentioned and posted a book on using clean (taking out the “dirty” stuff like one-time accruals) surplus accounting

The gist of the method is to use clean surplus accounting to calculate the company’s true return on equity that makes it easily comparable to other companies. Then invest (at the right price) in companies with better than average ROEs than the market’s average ROE (13%) if you want to outperform an index of stocks.

Obviously, if a company sports a relatively consistent ROE above 15% without too much debt, then the company probably operates with competitive advantages.

Learn More

For those who wish to learn more: You can listen to radio segments of the promoter of “Buffett and Beyond.” Yes, a bit promotional, but the concept the Professor is explaining is sound.

For a list of companies that fit the investment parameters go here: Parameters_for_Investing_the_Buffett_and_Beyond_way

A consolidation of past articles: Clean surplus article

If you have a method that makes sense, you know how it works, and you have confidence in its LONG RUN performance, then you are better off than 99.9% of all investors in the market.

I am not promoting the above method as THE best way to invest, just suggesting that you develop your own investment philosophy and method that YOU believe in. This post is just an example of how you might go about developing your method.

Video on Volatility, Buffett Partnership Letters, Blog and Podcast Links

Buffett’s Partnership Letters

A reader alerted me that this blog has no link to Buffett’s original partnership letters. For shame, here they are:

Links to each original letter:

Newly typed Consolidated Letters for easier reading (suggested for ease of study)Complete_Buffett_partnership_letters-1957-70_in Sections

Readings and Videos in Economics

Video on Boone Pickens discussing Natural Gas:

Developing skills and understanding your own foibles–Trader and Stock Blogs  Search for topics of interest.  Often trading blogs focus on the psychological aspects of trading since traders make many more discrete decisions than long-term investors, thus trading blogs can be of use to understanding how we make decisions under pressure and uncertainty.

Recent CNBC Munger Interview

Podcast on Steve Case’s book, The Indomitable Investor. Why people on main street do not understand how Wall Street works. His main point, “Bad investors think of ways to make money and good investors think of ways not to lose money.” is back posting with great articles on Greenblatt’s Magic Formula and more.

Fascinating 5 minute Video on Stock Market Volatility:

Artemis Capital Management LLC is pleased to present “Volatility at World’s End: Two Decades of Movement in Markets” a unique visualization of implied and realized stock market volatility from 1990 to 2011. The video was originally shown as part of Christopher Cole’s speech at the 2012 Global Derivatives and Risk Management Conference in Barcelona Spain on April 17th.

The movement of stock prices has been an obsession for generations of speculators and traders. On a higher level mathematicians believe that modern markets are an extension of the same fractal beauty found in nature. Visualized these stock markets may take the shape of a turbulent ocean with waves made of human hopes, dreams, greed, and fear. Merging the world of high-finance and high-art Artemis Capital Management LLC is proud to present a creative visualization of stock market volatility over the last two decades.

Volatility at World’s End: Two Decades of Movement in Markets is a depiction of real stock market volatility using trading data from 1990 to 2011. The visuals are designed from S&P 500 index option data replicating the implied volatility wave (or variance swap curve) extending to an expiration of one year. The front of the volatility wave contains the same data used to calculate the CBOE VIX index. The movement of this wave demonstrates changing trader expectations of the future stock market volatility. As the wave moves through time the expected (or implied) volatility surface transforms into a realized volatility surface derived from historical S&P 500 index movement. The transition represents what professional traders call “volatility arbitrage”. The color variation in the volatility waves show the volatility-of-volatility or internal movement of the wave. The track underneath the volatility wave represents underlying S&P 500 index prices.

Volatility at World’s End: Two Decades of Movement in Markets VIDEO (5 minutes)

Interesting Reading: Models; Valuation Metrics and more….

“To what extent can we believe the conclusions of a model that assumes away the fundamental features of reality as we understand it?”


A good review of the principles of Austrian Economics and why it matters to rely on reality not models.

Excerpt: There are important advantages in being familiar with the Austrian theory. This theory helps one keep in mind fundamental principles such as the subjectivity of value and the incompleteness of information that form the basis for human action. This approach makes it easier to spot errors in one’s economic thinking. One of the common errors is treating economic models as normative standards for reality rather than loose metaphors and illustrations of the logical conclusions resulting from prior theoretical analysis. This error creates a temptation to “fix” the reality to fit the model. Often times the fix only makes things worse, because it was not the reality that needed fixing. It was, in fact, the economist’s model that did not capture the key features of reality.

Valuation Metrics:

Several excellent articles on what valuation metrics are useful. Good news for value investors–high EBITDA to Enterprise Value generates better returns than other metrics. Go

Research papers on valuation metrics:TEV to EBITDA Research and enterprise-multiple-vs-tobins-q

A hedge fund discusses various investments (Berkshire, Iridium): Note the bullish thesis for Iridium. I discussed MCX and Iridium here When every satellite company has gone bankrupt or has been on government support, the burden of proof is on Mr. Tilson.


A reader provides a link to a good blog on learning how to invest:

Various links on investing:

Should the U.S. be a Union?

The establishment’s view (PBS) of what caused the financial crisis of 2008: Surprise! No mention of abnormally low interest rates or political intervention to force banks to make uneconomic loans in order to increase home ownership.

Inflation brewing:

Does the U.S. Follow the Constitution?

EXCERPT: Everyone pays lip service to the rule of law. Indeed I’ve never heard of anyone rejecting it as undesirable. (It has been called impossible under prevailing circumstances but that is a different point.) So why is the principle so flagrantly violated with almost no public outrage?

Take President Obama’s intervention in the Libyan civil war. Even if we grant that he could legally enter that conflict by his own unilateral decision – a big if, which we’ll explore below – the War Powers Resolution of 1973 requires him after 60 days to cease operations or ask Congress for authorization to continue. One week ago today the clock ran out on the Libyan intervention, yet Obama has neither ceased operations nor asked for authorization.

Back with Buffett Case Studies: Dempster Mills and Sanborn Map

“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act, but a habit.”–Aristotle

My Black Ops Ninja team was able to crack Buffett’s safe in Omaha and bring back these case studies for your enlightenment and study. Mr. Buffett was found passed out on his desk from a Cherry Coke drinking binge.  This video was running on his TV:  Mr. Buffett is preparing for this weekend’s Buffett Lovefest.

Buffett’s Case Studies:

Dempster Mills

& Sanborn Map

Dempster_Mills_Manufacturing_Case_Study_BPLs What lessons are there here for us to build upon?