Search Results for: secret to investing

The Great Deformation; Current Conditions; Is Bitcoin Money? Ponzis; Watch the Balance Sheet; Sound Money

This freakish central bank accumulation of dollar liabilities, in turn, was the result of the greatest money printing spree in world history. In essence, we printed and then they printed, and the cycle never stopped repeating. In this manner, the massive … Continue reading

To Get Big Think Small; Lies of the Bailout

To Get Big Think Small I am having difficulty finding value, so now I gotta go small. More on micro-cap investing…..Liquidity as an Investing Style and Microcap_Investing and then More_on_Microcap_Investing.  If you can accurately value a business while the company’s … Continue reading

Pearl Harbor

The video above shows the narrator speaking about Why the Japanese attack was expected. Always seek out information that goes against what you know or think you know. How FDR Provoked Japan into Attacking Pearl Harbor 322_Higgs    (Audio clip)   Is … Continue reading


Fraud Study Readers shared this GOLD.… A lot of people dumped their life savings into this Genneva Scheme.  Quite a number of them are so pissed off with our (Malaysia) Central Bank that they’re planning to hold protests. … Continue reading

Buffett Tutorial on Accounting and Valuation: See’s Candies Case Study

I have always maintained that excepting fools, men did not differ much in intellect, only in zeal and hard work.  –Charles Darwin Value investing works, because it does NOT work ALL the time. –Joel Greenblatt Today’s post focuses on accounting … Continue reading

Help Buffett! Will See’s (Candy) New Strategy for Growth Work? “In California the girls slap you when you bring Russell Stover, and kiss you when you bring See’s.” –Buffett Think about how you would advise the CEO. Think strategically. A big hint is posted at the end of this … Continue reading

Fractional Reserve Banking and the Fed (Lesson in Booms and Busts)

Fractional Reserve Banking and the Fed Prof. Joe Salerno’s Testimony to Congress on the problems caused by Fractional Reserve Banking and the Federal Reserve.  Fractional reserve banking causes term structure risk–customers can withdraw their money immediately but the bank creates loans … Continue reading

HP and Potential Growth Capex Case Study

The intrinsic value of a company lies entirely in its future–Warren Buffett All intelligent investing is value investing–acquiring more than you are paying for. You must value the business in order to value the stock.–Charlie Munger In the old legend … Continue reading

Eleven Things You Should Do Every Day to Improve Your Life

What 11 Things Should You Do every day to Improve your life? 1) Read CSINVESTING and learn something new. Extensive research by Harvard Business School has shown a 99% correlation between reading and improved investing results. Average annual portfolio increase … Continue reading

Chicken Liquidation CAGLE’S INC -CL A(CAGAQ) /Good Reading

This company has just received a bid post-petition (bankruptcy) and the equity shareholders look to receive $3.70 to over $4.00.  The risk is in how many weeks until you receive money for your shares in cash. This is only appropriate … Continue reading