Category Archives: Investor Psychology

Pitch the Perfect Investment


Pitch the Perfect Investment

The Essential Guide to Winning on Wall Street


Pitching an investment idea is the life-blood of Wall Street analysts —whether at money management firms and investment banks or with CEOs to potential investors. Those who do it well win, and win big. Sonkin and Johnson teach professional analysts, sophisticated private investors and ambitious young analysts how to uncover the perfect investment and pitch it to critical decision makers, to advance their careers and increase their wealth.

No other book like this one exists. There are plenty of books that focus on investment strategy, company analysis and critical thinking. Yet, there is no book that combines investment analysis with persuasion and sales – in Wall Street vernacular—pitching. In our increasingly competitive world, being able to pitch your idea is becoming as critical as being able to find and analyze great investment opportunities. It is imperative to get clients or superiors to take action on your ideas. The teaching of this skill is sorely lacking on Wall Street. Pitching the Perfect Investment will present a two-step process: 1) finding the perfect investment; and 2) crafting the perfect pitch. The book will show that to be successful the reader will require two very different skill sets: the first is investment analysis and decision making; and, the second is persuasion and sales.

Pitching the Perfect Investment presents world-class insights into search strategy, data collection and research, securities analysis, risk assessment and management, combined with the use of critical thinking, to uncover the perfect opportunity for professional analysts, sophisticated private investors and ambitious young analysts as well as mergers and acquisition specialists advising clients, financial consultants and corporate financial analysis teams. Pitching draws from the disciplines of psychology, argumentation and informal logic. It instructs the investor analysts of all types how to craft this perfect investment into the perfect pitch. Pitching an investment is an essential skill to securing and then excelling at your job on Wall Street.

This is an essential skill for the ambitious young investment analyst looking to begin a career on Wall Street as well as the seasoned veteran discussing an idea on CNBC, and every investor in-between.

Aspiring analysts should be aware of this book, but I am not recommending  since I have not read it.   Common-sense writing helps.  Clearly state your thesis then provide supporting facts and risks. Done.  But if you can’t state your case to a child in less than a paragraph, then go back to your desk.

For example, Navigator Holdsings (NVGS) has a dominant position in handy-size petrochemical transportation and it trades at 55% of net asset value, its balance sheet and flexible fleet allows it to be profitable despite a perfect storm in the LPG shipping market. One of the most famous value investors, Wilbur Ross bought into NVGS at an average price of $8.73 over three years ago for a 50% stake.  NVGS is now 20% below that price. The current lows in freight rates due to A, B, C are unsustainable due to 1, 2, 3, therefore normalized rates will mean much higher values. Timing is, of course, uncertain, but there are considerations for building more US ethylene plants for export. NVGS has the dominant position for transporting that product which requires special handling (super low temperatures and pressure). Price is about 50% below asset value and earnings power value.

Probably too long-winded, but you get the point.

Beware the echo chamber   A serious concern for your research. Scary.

More on psychology for contrarians.

Latest NewsJune 10, 2016 – We’re pleased to announce a new website launching in the coming week.  Please let us know any questions or comments about the transition.

June 08, 2016 – Check out our latest 1-hour free webinar “Trading on Sentiment Strategies to Profit from Media Analytics in Global Equities.”

Recent PressMay 14, 2016How To Time The Stock Market Using Media Sentiment — Ky Trang Ho Forbes

The World&39;s Greatest Stock Picker

Manny introduced himself to me as “the world’s greatest stock picker.”  He explained that one key to his success was that he only needed two hours of sleep a night.  He pored over details in every significant financial publication and in those quiet morning hours when all others slept, he let information percolate.  By the morning he had brilliant new insights into the industries and companies that were poised to outperform over the following months.  Some of the world’s top fund managers subscribed to his research, he told me.

I asked if his clients knew he was housed in prison, in solitary confinement.  He explained that of course they didn’t, and he asked that I kindly keep his secret.  He distributed his stock research through his secretary, who kept his office open.

In the intervening days I checked out Manny’s story.  Much was true – he was in fact publishing highly-regarded financial research to large AUM clients from prison.

On the surface his research analysis sounded brilliant – the creative ramblings of an out-of-the-box Wall Street-obsessed thinker.  But as we talked in depth it became clear that his thought process was laced with irrational and circumstantial connections. He was often confusing wishful thinking with objective analysis.  He was hypomanic, with grandiose claims and excessively optimistic projections.

As a psychiatrist I’ve worked with many people with grandiose delusions.  In each case the client has fixed beliefs that are contrary to reality – beliefs that guide much of their waking actions – beliefs that are entirely untrue.  Delusions aren’t limited to manic prisoners, in fact we spend most of our days navigating the world based on assumptions, many of which are entirely unfounded.  Because the financial markets are imbued with uncertainty, assumptions are more dangerous in that environment.  Regardless of the fragility in our collective understanding of markets, there are enormous payoffs for those who can discern reality more accurately.

In fact, academic research on trading models finds that most are delusional.  “Most of the empirical research in finance, whether published in academic journals or put into production as an active trading strategy by an investment manager, is likely false.”  ~ Campbell Harvey and Yan Liu, “Evaluating Trading Strategies,” 2014

This quote is particularly relevant to us at MarketPsych because we are restarting our trading business.  We’re currently trading a unique media-based machine learning strategy and re-registering as an investment adviser.  It has been a long road to find a strategy worth deploying capital into, and based on our prior experience, trading delusions can easily become enshrined in predictive models.

Today’s newsletter examines the nature of false beliefs among investors, how beliefs shift (with an Amazon case study), honest investment strategy development, and examines what, if anything, we can do to find the truth about what moves markets.

When Delusions Crack – Brick and Mortar Retailers

“Lose your smile and lose your customers.”
~ Sam Walton

(The following was written by our own Tate Hayes and a longer version will appear in Investopedia this weekend.)

Nordstrom’s and Macy’s have both seen a 50% drop in stock price over the last year on the back of deceasing revenues. Wal-Mart and Best Buy shares have taken just under a 10% hit over the last 12 months. In contrast, Amazon’s stock price is up almost 70% in the last year and 135% in the past two years.

Investors’ beliefs about the retail sector have changed dramatically in the past 2 years.  In examining media optimism data since July 2014, a clear decline is evident. Over the last 24 months, investors became more optimistic about Amazon, but increasingly pessimistic about a number of the top brick-and-mortar retailers (Wal-Mart, Nordstrom, Macy’s, and Best Buy are charted below). The media sentiment of these individual companies are compiled in the Thomas Reuters MarketPsych Indices (TRMI). The TRMI Optimism index represents the frequency of positive, future-tense references about a company verses those that are negative in millions of articles daily from thousands of news and social media sources.  The 200 day-averages of media optimism about each retailer are plotted in the chart below.

What is remarkable is both how long the delusion of bricks-and-mortar retailer safety stayed afloat, and also how quickly it is unraveling as optimism about the individual retailers plummets.  First optimism about Amazon rose, and then, on cue, optimism about bricks-and-mortar retailers declined.

Our new book, Trading on Sentiment:  The Power of Minds Over Markets (Wiley, 2016), explains in detail how media sentiment is quantified and used to time markets and select investments.

How We Know What Isn&39;t So

Throughout the twentieth century, a variety of stock market leading indicators achieved notoriety. The Super Bowl indicator was oft-cited in media.  It was so-called because the U.S. stock market was said to rise in years that an NFL team won the American football Super Bowl. This indicator was 90 percent accurate in predicting the annual stock market direction from 1967 to 1997. However, the Super Bowl indicator is a random coincidence, the result of overfitting to a limited data set.  Such spurious correlations are often repeated in the media and by the statistically illiterate.

As we are seeing in the U.S. election cycle, in politics there is an advantage to sincere assertions of half-truths and lies.  But in scientific disciplines like healthcare and (aspirationally) finance, objective truth is the bedrock of all subsequent activity.  In 2005, Dr. John Ioannidis wrote an academic article that has become the most widely read paper on PLoS One (Public Library of Science) and the first to surpass one million views. The paper contains a proof that the majority of published medical research results are false positives (i.e., untrue).(1) Dr. Ioannidis’s statistical insights have been extended to finance by Marcos Lopez Del Prado, Campbell Harvey, Yan Liu, and others.(2,3,4,5).

If a test result is considered true at a 95 percent confidence interval (two sigma), then that confidence interval must be expanded as additional tests are performed on the dataset to achieve a simile level of confidence that the result is not a random coincidence. Yet with massive data sets available, statistical overfitting is inevitable.

It is tempting to believe in strategies that do not meet solid statistical thresholds because (1) it is difficult to find novel and outperforming investment strategies, and (2) the thrill of thinking one might have found such a strategy is more compelling than the repeated frustration of intellectual honesty. The incentive to find a good result often leads to short-cuts in testing hygiene and spurious correlations.

Essential to identifying useful predictive relationships in data is to adopt techniques to achieve statistical confidence in positive findings.  Also important is to understand the probable rationale – the underlying assumptions – for the findings.  Amidst so much hype, how can we know what is real?

Our Own Trading

“With four parameters I can fit an elephant, and with five I can make him wiggle his trunk.”
~ John von Neumann, a brilliant mathematician who among many other accomplishments founded the field of game theory (8)

While trading MarketPsych’s hedge fund, we adopted numerous datamining hygiene techniques, including: rigorous data exploration of the training set only; using multiple out of sample sets and k-fold cross-validation; utilizing universal concepts and language in our ontologies; visual inspection of output; and using a human filter to exclude strategies that are not empirically supported or based on “common sense.” We are confident in the validity of our statistical hygiene and testing techniques because of these efforts to debias.

However, without real-time performance and common-sense explanations, it is difficult to establish the robustness of quantitative investing strategies. To address these concerns, we have (1) an independently audited track record from our hedge fund, (2) live forward tested strategies launched online in 2013, and (3) empirical support for the validity of our strategies from psychological research. Each of those factors increases confidence, but nonetheless, modeling is very difficult to get right.  Our equity curve is below.

As markets recovered from the financial crisis, our fear-based trading strategy was no longer suited to the positive momentum of prices.  Yet we did not successfully pivot on the strategy, and we shut down the fund.

We have a new strategy being traded currently, and it is adaptive – as media delusions shift, it compensates.  This strategy appears less vulnerable to regime changes, but it’s not open for outside investors yet.

Among traders the most common techniques for establishing the statistical validity of a finding include data division into training/test/out-of-sample sets and k-fold cross-validation.  When data is divided into sets, typically 60% of the data is used for feature selection (identifying the best indicators), while 20% is used for testing to verify that the findings in the training set hold true in data that was “blinded”.  Then once the model has been tweaked and risk management set on the training and testing sets, the model is run on the out-of-sample set to verify that it still holds true.

K-fold cross-validation is another technique for verifying the predictive value of a trading system.  After studying the performance of indicators on an external training set (maybe 30% of the study data), and selecting the best, then the testing set (60%) and training set (90% of alll data) are utilized for cross-validation.  If k = 10%, then the data set is divided into deciles.  The overall model is learned on 90% of the data and tested on 10%.  The 90% and 10% data sets are randomized each pass and dozens of passes are performed.  The range of performance on each 10% set gives an approximation of the model’s stability.  If the model is declared useful, then a final 10% study is performed on the final out-of-sample set to verify the model’s value.

In all cases of developing trading models, it also helps to watch real-time trading on paper first and then to forward-test with a small amount of real money before going live.

Housekeeping and Closing

I met Manny well before the financial crisis while I was working part-time in a prison (to fund the launch of MarketPsych).  His optimistic research tone reflected the mood of the times.  Many of the popular Wall Street delusions are simply beliefs that fit the current social mood.

Eventually I asked Manny, “Do your clients know you’re manic?”  He replied “Of course not!”  He was trying to milk his manic energy for all he could by producing as much research as possible to pay for his legal bills.  I haven’t kept track of Manny, so I don’t know if he saw the financial crisis coming or how his life turned out.  Nonetheless I wish him well.

We love to chat with our readers about their experience with psychology in the markets.  Please send us feedback on what you’d like to hear more about in this area.

Learn more about improving your investment returns with insights from sentiment analysis of the herd in our new book, “Trading on Sentiment:  The Power of Minds Over Markets.”

If you represent an institution, please contact us if you’d like to see into the mind of the market using our Thomson Reuters MarketPsych Indices to monitor real-time market psychology and macroeconomic trends for 30 currencies, 50 commodities, 130 countries, 50 equity sectors and indexes, and 8,000 global equities extracted in real-time from millions of social and news media articles daily.

Keep It Real,
The MarketPsych Team


1. J. P. Ioannidis, “Why Most Published Research Findings Are False,” PLoS Medicine 2, e124 (2005), pp. 694–701.
2. M. López de Prado, “What to Look for in a Backtest,” Working paper, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, 2013,
3. Harvey and Liu, “Evaluating Trading Strategies.”
4. C. R. Harvey and Y. Liu, “Backtesting,”Working paper, Duke University, 2014a. Available at
5. David H. Bailey, Jonathan M. Borwein, and Marcos Lopez de Prado, and Qiji Jim Zhu, “The Probability of Backtest Overfitting” Journal of Computational Finance (Risk Journals), (February 27, 2015). Available at SSRN:
6. Attributed to von Neumann by Enrico Fermi, as quoted by Freeman Dyson in “A meeting with Enrico Fermi” in Nature 427 (22 January 2004), p. 297.

more here:


The Mining Clock

Mining clock

When to start buying mining shares

Ignore the analysis but note the concept.  The advice to NOT buy the miners was the perfect situation to do the opposite:
mining assets

See the lows put in Jan. 11th in both the HUI Goldbugs index and Freeport McM (FCX). Only six days after the publishing of this article.

When to start buying mining shares

Five years ago, the FTSE 350 Mining index reached a post-financial crisis peak at just over 28,000. It currently sits at 7,134, down 75% at an 11-year low, and share prices remain vulnerable.Global commodities markets remain massively oversupplied and Chinese demand is waning, but there will come a point at which mining shares are a ‘buy’ again.  (You always want to buy commodities and/or commodity stocks at the point of MAXIMUM PESSIMISM or when supply is greatest and demand lowest!).

Investec Securities has built a “Mining Clock”, which brilliantly illustrates the mining cycle, including when to buy and when to sell. It’s a real “cut-out-and-keep” for every investor.

Investec writes:

“Please see the updated Mining Clock below where we indicate that it appears still too early to be buying the mining sector. This is despite five straight years of underperformance from mining equities globally, in every sector, save Australian listed gold equities which outperformed the ASX in 2014 and 2015.” (Where is the article that told you WHEN, exactly, to buy?).  Rearview investing doesn’t work.

The above article proves once again that no one can time a sector–except when (like in this article) there is no hope for a rebound.

GDX LT Chart






Last time I sold a few of my miners back in July


And now over the next few days and weeks, a time to rebuy at the margin.  But if you are in a bull market Sentry__Com_BullishGold_MacLean___E then sitting tight is what you must do.  At most, I think we are in six to seven on the mining clock.  So far, the public is not yet participating except perhaps in the last month.

WHAT do YOU think?

27CHICKENweb04-master675 (1)


P.S.:   Work on yourself!

Perspective on the Gold Miners; Management

Miners long term

SP long term

lt cape

Gold and Nixon

2Q 2016 Tocqueville Gold Strategy Letter – Final

The above charts came from this article.  I would ignore the conclusions but focus on the historical perspective.


Enterprise Product Partners August 2016 Presentation

Note the information they give investors. How management communicates is important. Do they provide sufficient detail for you to assess their capital allocation skills and operational performance. Note page 5.

Celebrate when your stock gets downgraged

Analyst Recommendations Do they add value

Taking Diet Advice from Fat People; What would you buy?


Is taking investment advice from Michael Mouboussin Interview similar to taking health and fitness advice from the gentleman above? More here:

Question: Your broker offers you a 10-year bond with a coupon yield (annual interest payment / face value) of 3.0%, and a current yield (annual interest payment / current price) of 2.3%. Assume zero probability of default. Comparing this opportunity with the 1.5% yield-to-maturity available on 10-year Treasury bonds, would you prefer the bond “yielding” 2.3%?   What is your return?

Financial Assets vs Real Assets

What is your return?  The readers who commented below are more accurate in their analysis, but let’s pretend to keep things simple:

If you chose the 2.3% bond anyway, you’ve joined the company of countless other investors who are making effectively the same mistake as they reach for yield across every financial asset. In order for a 10-year 3% coupon bond to provide a 2.3% current yield, one must pay $130 today in return for the following set of future cash flows: $3 a year for 10 years, plus $100 at the end. Paying $130 today in return for $130 in future cash flows, buyers of that bond will inadvertently discover that they’ve locked in a total return of zero. Of course, their real return incorporating inflation is negative.  Who likes that deal?  Yet many “professionals” are choosing that for their clients.  Better to burn your money in a barrel. (Source:

Thoughts on Mauboussin

Well, it is hard to take advice from a fatman. However, if we were perfectly rational then it wouldn’t matter if the provider of the advice/info/knowledge was fat or fit. What matters is the content.  I believe you should hear or read what Mr. Mauboussin has to say and critically think if the information is useful to you. You can have all the wisdom in the world, but unless you act on it, of what use is it?

My suspicion is that Mr. Mauboussin does not thrive on the acting part. Common sense is lathered with a patina of sophisticated jargon to make him or his organization seem smart.   How does one take “contrarian” advice who works for a mega-organization like Credit Suisse.

I sat in the back of his security analysis class at Columbia GBS in 2006 as he spoke about the incredible capital allocation skills of Eddie Lampbert.  However, almost no mention was made of the true asset value of Sears.   Sure Mr. Lampert is a master investor, but HOW much of a premium do you pay?   I shook my head in dismay.   The Columbia students gobbled it up in awe.

Shld Mouboussin

Mr. Mauboussin was riding shotgun with Mr. Miller when their fund bought housing stock at the 100,000-year peak in housing stocks. See Pulte below.

Housing Mouboussin

Mr. Maouboussin said in the linked interview (audio) above that only with hindsight bias could someone have foreseen the housing collapse.   I guess he didn’t receive the letters Michael Burry was sending to Alan Greenspan warning of the impending disaster due to massive mal-investment caused by manipulated credit (Thanks Federal Reserve!).

Burry saw it coming:

Greenspan’s reply

Here is a video of a Mauboussin class

Color me skeptical.

Gold in a Nutshell

A million paper dollars held since 1913, when the Federal Reserve Bank was created, would be worth $20,000 today, down 98 percent. A million dollars of gold in 1913 would now be worth $62 million. Aligned with irreversible time, gold is the monetary element that holds value rather than dissipates it.  (Source: How We Got Here Money: How the Destruction of the Dollar Threatens the Global Economy–and What We Can Do about It, 2014)

Do Investors Overreact?

DremanLufkin2000 Do Investors Overreact

Institutions Increase Sentiment


Aug 5 2016 Gold bull analog

Aug 5 2016 HUI Bull analog Aug 2016

Aug 5 2016 Jr Gold bull analogs

I made my money sitting tight–got that? Jesse Livermore

MGI Debt and not much deleveragingFullreportFebruary2015 (2) A Must Read.

Have a Great Weekend.

Op. Leverage; Geico and Berkshire Case Study; In Gold We Trust; Overconfidence


Mauboussin on Operating Leverage is a review on margins and operating leverage.  I recommend reading pages 19 to 21 in addition to my prior post: ROIC and more

Berkshire CS_wedgewood partners 1st quarter 2016 client letter

geico case study and presentation 2016


Do not focus on forecasts but learn from history and economics about gold: In_Gold_we_Trust_2016-Extended_Version

In_Gold_we_Trust_2015-Extended_Version (Referenced in 2016 Ed. Why miners struggled to gain investor respect.)

Avoid Overconfidence

A lesson in trading

A lesson in valuation

It is never different this time

Happy Fourth of July Holiday.  

I will answer the option questions upon return.

Search Process–No Hope: Dry Bulk Shipping


From 1975-2001: ROI for T-Bills was 6.6%, S&P 500 14.1% with a 15% std. dev., Bulk Shipping 7.2 with a 40% std. dev., and Tanker Shipping 4.9% with a 70.4% std. dev! (Source: Maritime Economics, 3rd Edition)

Who in their right mind would invest in the shipping business? Well, if you can buy low, then fortunes can be made.  Recently, the Baltic Dry Index (BDI) hit a thirty-year low of 291BDI Index and note the long-term chart below.  Always look at MANY years of past data. The boom of 2007/08 will probably not be seen again for many years.


See a deep contrarian investor discuss the dry bulk shippers (March 2016):Deep Value Inv./Operator Discusses Dry Bulk Mkt.

“Dry bulk is a screaming buy; one of the best entry points in the cycle in the last thirty years. But be prepared to sustain a prolonged period of poor freight market conditions and have plenty of cash reserves and low leverage. In other words, you have to have a longer-term perspective than most investors–three to five years at least.

Isaac sowed seeds into the land during a drought.  –Leon Patitasas

“That’s the funny thing about ships. They are actually more attractive to buy at 20xs EBITDA, or even negative cash flow, than they are at 4xs EBITDA,” Coco said.

“So you are telling me that investors should seek out money losing shipping deals?” she asked incredulously.

“Correct. And sell the ones that are making lots of money. Itis like that little Napoleon said….”Buy on the sound of cannons and sell on the soundsof trumpets.”    (Source: The Shipping Man by Matthew McCleery).

John Chew: Here is where I wonder if this post helps readers’ understanding of investing because is this investing or speculating?   Note as much as what Warren Buffett does NOT do. He doesn’t invest in mining or shipping stocks. He has already had poor results with the airline industry.   So why even mention an industry in massive distress with historically sub par returns and huge volatility? I would prefer businesses with great reinvestment opportunities or great capital allocators at the helm like Markel (MKL), but a horrific business going from a distress price to a bad price may give much better returns depending upon the price paid.  Also, the worst bear market in freight rates in the past 30 years for dry bulkers means unusual opportunity just as the worst bear market in gold miners in the past 100 years offered bargains galore.

Readers know that I ventured into the miners in mid-to-late 2013, subsequently suffering back-to-back declines of about 25% before seeing the portfolio rally about 100%. So I still do not have a great return (12% after three years), but I bought miners with a five-year-to-seven year outlook and I am only three years into the investment. With Junior miners you can expect to see a 50% decline before they rally five to 10 times (assuming you chose the ones that survive! –Rick Rule).  In a land of negative-to-low interest rates, I have to look further for bargains.

Readers can pipe in what they would like to learn in future posts–let me know.


Five years of declines in gold mining stocks and then…..


Are you investing or speculating by dry-bulk shipping stocks?  These are stub stocks where the equity is a small fraction of the enterprise values due to the shrunken market cap and the large debt taken on to finance ship purchases. But if you buy a few well-managed and relatively well-financed shipping companies that can survive the trough of the cycle–two to four more years?– you can tolerate a few going to zero if the ones remaining multiply many-fold. Not for the weak-kneed. Scorpio Bulkers (SALT) has ALREADY diluted shareholders and has taken drastic action to survive. Note management buying shares at $3.00 Scorpio Bulkers Inc. Announces Financial Results for the First Quarter of 2016. An ugly past, but we invest for the future in terms of mean reversion. I have not yet invested in any shipping stocks!

Here is what I love about the shipping business.   10 ships and 11 cargoes, then a BOOM. 11 ships and 10 cargoes, then a BUST.  You are also on the SAME footing as the most experienced ship owners in the world. NO ONE knows when the cycle will turn.   This is like a poker game where the investor that has the ships when others have thrown in the towel takes a lot of the marbles.  The worse the freight rates and the outlook, the better IF you can carry the costs until the cycle turns, and it WILL turn due to the laws of supply and demand.

I view this as intelligent speculation.   I allocate five tranches of investment into five shipping companies.  Say $5 units each.  One unit goes to zero (ouch!), the next to $2 (Boo!), the next to $1 (Damn!), the next to $3 and the next to $50 (Homerun!) and it takes three years.  There is a 31% compouned return.  Though I have no idea if this is realistic because I must study the shipping industry thoroughly.  I am just formulating a possible strategy IF I find the right companies at the right prices.  But I am drawn to the shipping companies because some companies are trading below depressed net asset values. As Mr. Templeton suggests, look where the outlook is most dire.

The best source to learn about shipping is Maritime Economics. And a must read:


Meanwhile keep reading………………..

RISK Management Video – Be prepared for the unexpected.

Time for Review: Behavioral Portfolio Managment

book cover

Video on Behavioral Portfolio Management

Emotional crowds dominate market volatility (nothing new here). Emotions trump arbitrage.  If you learn anything from this post may it be that you concentrate on your best ideas and do not overdiversify beyond ten or twelve stocks.  Also, understand randomness. Teams hurt performance. Avoid closet- indexers.

See slide 6 for a summary: 10495_Howard Presentation Slides

Behavioral Portfolio Management A research paper

T Howard CFA Behav PM   Short article

And here is a secret not to be shared with others: If you are going to have a behavioral edge, then don’t do what the mass of investors are doing–invest with a at least a five-year time horizon so you can give mean regression to work if you buy non-franchise companies (assets like cyclcial mining, manufacturing, etc.) or allow your franchise companies time to compound because of a slow mean reversion.



But holding stock five years or more is SCARY because of the VOLATILITY.  Not so:


The enemy

I’LL BE BACK; Meanwhile Keep Learning


John Chew asked me to post while he goes through his stem cell transplant.  He says, “I’ll be back.” He thanks the many readers for their kind words of encouragement. 

His hospital roommate. John may opt for a radical new therapy.

Unfortunately, John challenged the status quo so he may have to be hospitalized longer.  Sign up to Farnam Street Blog

Novagold Annual Report 2015 This annual report’s shareholder letter including the links provides an excellent example of how several investors view the capital cycle for an asset.  History does provides a guide. Worth a look

Sign up: to receive reading links like:

    1.   Overcoming Their Fears 
    3.   3 Critical Things An Investor Needs – Capital Exploits
    5.   Unique Behind The Scenes Look Into Buffett’s Process – Vintage Value (must read)
    6.   Andy Groove And The Iphone SE – Ben Thompson
    7.   How Maritime Insurance Built Ancient Rome – Priceonomics
    9.   How Buffett And Munger Differ In The Way They Think – Outlook Business
    10. Podcasts: Conversation with Bethany McLean A fantastic interview for aspiring analysts. Her book on Fannie and Freddie seems like a must read!
Ackman: PSH-Annual-Report-12.31.151 See the section on Valeant.
A short summary of the tug of war over Valeant. Setting aside the noise about fraud, greed, and accounting issues, The Valeant Casino, this is a company that financed fast asset growth with cheap debt (at the time) while taking advantage of the flawed quasi-socialized medical system in the US.   Valuation depends on a normalization of true long-term cash flows–VRX_Update_StillOverpriced_2016-03-15 and EV_EBITDA_Misses_the_Point (View video on valuation and ROIC below for more context). The beneficiary of medical care does not DIRECTLY pay ALL of the costs. Who would be willing to accept a $1,000 tube of anti-fungal cream for their itchy feet if a third-party didn’t pay? See Dying with dignity.

Meanwhile……be wise not smart and stay-thirsty-my-friends-3

Price vs. Value–a Disagreement

Clearly people can have violently different views on price vs. value.