Author Archives: John Chew

Ben Graham Meets An Austrian Economist

 Information Overload

Columbia business student to Richard Pzena of Pzena Investment ( why do you think there will be value opportunities with so much more available information?

Pzena, “Because of this…as he slaps a 700-page 10-K on a desk in front of his lecturn. Nobody reads these because there is too much information. You must know what to look for.

Austrian Economics and Value Investing

Ben Graham meets Mises

Lessons and Ideas from Benjamin Graham by Jason Zweig:Lessons-Ideas-Benjamin-Graham_Zweig_AIMR

Value Investing from a Austrian Perspective, A paper on Ben Graham and Mises:


More Lessons

February 28, 2004 by

 The Australian web site of Leithner & Co., Pty. Ltd.contains a wealth of material combining economic theory, financial economics, and Benjamin Graham’s views on investing. Some interesting places to start:

Interview with Chris Leithner

Monday, July 11, 2011 at 8:45PM

Today we had the pleasure of interviewing Dr. Chris Leithner. He has lived in Australia for the last twenty years and is the author of The Evil Princes of Martin Place.  The book delineates the evils of all central banks and has some unique perspectives on Australia’s central bank, the Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA).

We took this opportunity to ask Chris about his thoughts on central banking, investing and his views on the RBA, the Australian dollar and Australian stocks.

The Dollar Vigilante (TDV): Thanks for taking the time to speak with us, Chris.  To begin, give us some background on yourself.

Chris LeithnerChris Leithner (CL): Sure, I came to Australia from Canada in 1987, in order to take a postgraduate degree. After a few years of further study in the UK, I returned to Oz in 1991. After a couple of years, I became a jaded academic; and after a few more I became an ex-academic. I learnt that the adage “those who can, do; and those who can’t, teach” has more than a ring of truth to it. Partly for that reason, and also because in the 1990s I also discovered Austrian School economics, Ben Graham and their commonalities, in 1999 I formed Leithner & Company ( It’s a private investment company, based in Brisbane, which adheres strictly to the “value” approach to investment pioneered by Graham and to the economic insights of Carl Menger, Ludwig von Mises and Murray Rothbard.

TDV: How did you first get exposed to Austrian economics?

CL: Increasingly repelled by the absurdities and outright falsehoods of the economic and financial mainstream, I found Austrian Economics in exactly the way that the Austrian School shows how so many things happen: by accident rather than by design. I found it almost everywhere except at university; and as I think back, the more of it that I found, the more repugnant academic life became. I read Mises, Rothbard and others on capital, value, interest rates and the business cycle. I also read Lionel Robbins, The Great Depression (1934) and Wilhelm Röpke, Crises and Cycles (1936). Although Robbins later disavowed Austrian methods and insights, I realised that both he and Röpke provided clear and forceful expositions of the mechanics of the Austrian interest-rate and business-cycle model. Amazingly, within a couple of years of the Great Depression’s nadir, they published more theoretically and empirically rigorous accounts than (for example) Ben Bernanke’s Essays on the Great Depression, Princeton University Press, 2004.

Not only has the mainstream learnt nothing since the 1930s: it has unlearnt what’s worth knowing!

TDV: Yes, it’s not what they don’t know but it is what they know that just ain’t so.  So, why did you write The Evil Princes of Martin Place?

CL: I sought to demonstrate to an audience of interested laypeople, both in Australia and other countries, that there’s little new under the sun: the “Global Financial Crisis,” as the events of 2007-2009 are commonly known in Australia, is merely the latest in a long series of economic and financial crises that have punctuated the history of the past 250 or so years. Like its predecessors, three of which (namely the Panic of 1907, the Depression of 1920-1921 and the Great Depression of 1929-1946) the book analyses in detail, interventionist policies – in particular, legal tender laws, fractional reserve banking and central banking – are the GFC’s ultimate causes. Accordingly, only when we recognise that monetary central planning is the ultimate source of our financial and economic distemper, and when it either collapses or is consigned to the dustbin of history, and when 100%-reserve banking and sound money replace fractional reserve and central banking and fiat currency, will the ruinous cycle of boom and bust become as thing of the past.

TDV: Tell our audience generally what the book is about

CL: Sure, Part I (Chapters 1-5) uses basic logic and evidence to isolate the causes of the GFC, Panic of 1907, etc. It demonstrates, in short, that these crises are failures of government – and not of liberty. Following Herta de Soto, it demonstrates that deposits are not (and can never legitimately be) loans, that the history of fractional reserve banking is the history of bank crises and failures. Following Rothbard and Mises, it also shows how fractional reserve banks misappropriate and counterfeit.

Part II (Chaps. 6-9) analyses counterfeit money, the central bank and the welfare-warfare state. It demonstrates, following a long line of scholars, that fractional reserve banking is logically absurd, utterly fraudulent – and hence legally untenable. It also outlines the basic operations of central banking (e.g., open market operations, etc.). Conceiving the central bank as a monetary central planner, it also demonstrates (following Mises, who did it did for central planning generally) that monetary central planning inevitably fails. Finally, following Hoppe, who demonstrated in Democracy: The God That Failed (Transaction Books, 2002) that private property (i.e., individual ownership and rule) and democracy (i.e., collective ownership and majority rule) are incompatible, it outlines the invidious moral and ethical consequences (which it calls the “monetary roots of democratic pathologies”) of fractional reserve and central banking.

Part III (Chaps. 10-14) provides historical analyses of where we’ve been, where we are now and where we’re headed. It puts the Depression of 1920-21 and Great Depression into an Austrian context; so too with Australia’s “miracle economy” of 1991-2007 and the Commonwealth Government’s reaction to the GFC. It concludes that its reaction has merely set the stage for a later and bigger crisis.

Finally, Part IV (chaps 15-16) outlines where we should go – namely outlaw fractional reserve and central banking – and provides further reading for those who are interested.

TDV: We find all of your subject matter interesting but the main reason I wanted to interview you was to give the TDV audience some perspectives on what is going on in Australia right now.  Tell us some of your thoughts about Australia’s central bank, the Reserve Bank of Australia.

CL: Australians have become a bit cocky in recent years, to the point where “Australian Exceptionalism” or something akin to it swells many hearts; it’s not just The Lucky Country: to many people, it’s apparently The Country That Deserves to Be Lucky.

TDV: The same thing has been happening in Canada.  It’s amazing what living in a place with some natural resources in the ground and a currency performing relatively well can do to puff out the chests of some people!

CL: Haha, yes.  One of my intentions in The Evil Princes of Martin Place is to remind them that the laws of economics are universal across time and space – and therefore, that, just as fractional reserve and central banking inflated the booms that have burst in Europe and the U.S., so too they’ve inflated the booms that will bust in China and Australia.

TDV: Explain to us how the RBA is different, or similar, from the other central banks we are more familiar with like the Fed, BoE and BoJ

CL: For all practical purposes, it seems to me that central banks’ similarities (which The Evil Princes emphasises) are far more important than their differences. As an analogy, the Fierce Snake (Oxyuranus microlepidotus), Common Brown Snake (Pseudechis australis) and Taipan (Oxyuranus scutellatus) are the world’s three most-venomous snakes. For all I know (I don’t), their diets, reproductive habits and habitats, among other things, differ. But what’s most relevant from my point of view is that each is very poisonous – and is an Australian native. Similarly, a mainstream economist might assert that over the past decade the RBA has targeted the CPI more formally than the Fed. Both, however, relentlessly undertake the open market ops that ignite the boom that eventually busts, and it’s that commonality that I try to keep uppermost in mind.

TDV: The Australian Dollar (AUD) has been on a wild ride the last few years… how do you explain this from your Austrian viewpoint and from what you know about the AUS central bank?

CL: Because Leithner & Co. invests almost exclusively in Australia and New Zealand, I’ve never thought about it.  Well, that’s not quite true: the $A is a fiat currency; and as such, its purchasing power almost constantly falls. But I have no insight whether it will melt faster than the £, €, $US, etc. I suspect, but obviously don’t know, that taking short-term or even medium-term positions on the price of the $A vis-à-vis another currency is either a waste of time or a rod for one’s own back. Certainly I don’t know anybody who’s made a living – let along accumulated significant wealth – trading the $A or any other currency.

Your question prompts me to reflect that, when it comes to the currency, I am very Grahamite; that is, I concentrate on the micro (the security) rather than the macro. Your question also brings to mind Buffet’s observation in 1994: “If Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan were to whisper to me what his monetary policy was going to be over the next two years, it wouldn’t change one thing I do.” In effect, in 2009 Glenn Stevens, Ben Bernanke and all the sordid rest DID shout what their monetary policies were going to be, and it hasn’t changed either my approach to investment or my highly jaundiced attitude towards central bankers and central banking.

TDV: Give us an overview of the current political/central banking climate in AUS… what’s your thoughts? Should we be buying AUS stocks? AUD? Or selling?

CL: Well, let’s first take the mainstream’s prevailing attitude towards central banking in general and the RBA in particular: central planning rules! Not just in Oz, but in all Western countries (and Eastern ones, for all I know) the state has embedded its protections of fractional reserve and central banks so deeply within its legislation and regulations – in other words, it has extended such enormous privileges to these banks for such a long time – that virtually nobody now recognises bankers for what they have long been: massively featherbedded white-collar wharfies (for decades until a decade or so ago, longshoremen were the most notoriously protected, overpaid and arrogant workers in Australia). The events of the past couple of years have alerted the man in the street to the reality that something is rotten in Denmark — or, more precisely, Australian and other banks — but he can’t quite put his finger on it.

In Australia, economists, investors and journalists babble endlessly about the level at which the Reserve Bank should “set” the “official interest rate” (by which they mean the Overnight Cash Rate). Alas, almost nobody bothers to ask why it should be set, or whether it actually can be fixed. After all, the benchmark price of (say) wheat isn’t set: it’s discovered throughout the day at the Chicago Mercantile Exchange. Similarly, the spot price of copper is constantly discovered and rediscovered at the London Metals Exchange. More generally, the impersonal forces of supply and demand determine many prices. Yet, for reasons rarely discussed and never justified, virtually nobody baulks at the notion that a short-term money market rate of interest must be “set” by a committee of price-fixers and central planners in Martin Place, Sydney.

Hence, an inconvenient question: given that most “right thinking” people like mainstream economists and financiers (correctly) believe that the production of goods such as motor cars, frozen vegetables, etc., should occur within a régime of market competition, why do the Good and the Great insist – some of them quite vehemently – that “we” must exclude the production of money from market forces? Why, in an allegedly free society, must the government monopolise the definition of money? Why must its production and regulation be entrusted to a deified government monopolist called the central bank? Nobody in mainstream Australia is ever able to answer these questions; instead, they ridicule or simply ignore them.

Yet even to consider these questions is to grasp that the Global Financial Crisis is not a “market failure.” Rather – and in a way that parallels the collapse of Communist economies – the GFC is the inevitable consequence of the hubris of central planning. Communism epitomised general economic central planning, and it eventually collapsed. Central banking, whether in Australia, Britain, China or the U.S., is monetary central planning; as a result, it too will ultimately be consigned to the dustbin of history. From the repudiation of the gold clause and confiscation of gold in 1933 to the closing of the “gold window” in 1971, the chairman of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, as well as his counterparts in the Reserve Bank of Australia, etc., have increasingly deprived market participants of market signals – that is, of real information in the form of unfettered rates of interest. In particular, market participants have been deprived of a key warning signal and great source of discipline (the right to exchange dollars for gold). Central bankers, in short, have caused credit markets to emit false signals; as a result, these markets don’t tell the truth about time.

TDV: We totally agree, of course.  And also find it so bizarre that hardly anyone questions having communist style central planning embedded at the very heart of the so-called capitalist system.  What is your take on Australian stocks?

CL: In Leithner & Co.’s current Newsletter to its shareholders, I note a paradox: those who didn’t see the GFC coming (and remained wilfully blind after it erupted) – the very people who incurred big losses in 2007-2009, which they’ve not recouped – today remain resolutely upbeat about the future. They were diametrically wrong then; why should anybody think they’re less wrong today?

In sharp contrast, the doughty few who anticipated trouble and who have consistently generated profits since 2007 remain downcast today. It’s demonstrably false to assert, as the mainstream has since 2007, that “nobody saw it coming.” What’s certainly true is that the few who foresaw the GFC and now see that we’re merely in the eye of the storm, were then and today remain, from a mainstream point of view, “nobodies.”

A second point is that in a Newsletter dated 26 June 2009, I posited assumptions and conducted an analysis that yielded nine estimates of the All Ordinaries Index’s “fair value.” If earnings fall to their long-term trend and bearish multiple emerges, then the All Ords’ fair value is 1,688 – roughly half the level of its low in March 2009 and one-third of its level (4,700) in early July 2011. If earnings remain constant and the “bullish” multiple suddenly prevails, then fair value is 5,512 – a modest 67% above the March 2009 trough. Mid-range assumptions with respect to both earnings and the multiple generate an estimate of 3,127 – just below the March low. Re-reading that analysis and considering its premises, I think its conclusions remain sound: Australian investors need to incorporate into their plans the possibility that Australian indexes fall by 50% or more.

A third point is that, recent decades in Australia, have not, in economic and financial terms – and as the Commonwealth Government, RBA and their sock-puppets in the media and universities strenuously insist –  been truly stable. In The Evil Princes I noted that for seven decades Communism in the Soviet Union was apparently secure. But it was hardly durable, as its sudden and unexpected (to the Western mainstream) collapse demonstrated. I also show that since the early 1990s the much-vaunted “fundamentals” of the Australian economy have hardly – despite the mainstream’s ubiquitous and often strident insistence – been sound. Since 2007, it’s become obvious in Europe and the U.S. that the “stability” of the past few decades was – like the “strength” of the Soviet Union – apparent rather than real. The truth is that the long Australian boom since the early 1990s has not reflected the success of the mainstream’s interventionist policies. The ructions since 2007, however, have revealed the artificiality of the conditions these interventions created.

Alas, like the Bourbons of old, today’s politicians, central and fractional reserve bankers have forgotten nothing and learnt nothing from the financial and economic catastrophes they’ve repeatedly fomented – and thereby expose the rest of us to the next crisis. Unfortunately, the lesson of history seems to be that the politicians people admire most extravagantly are (like Franklin Roosevelt) the most audacious liars; conversely, the ones they erase from memory are, like Warren Harding, those who dare to tell them the truth.

Accordingly, since 2007 governments around the world have intervened massively and lied flagrantly. Their frenzied “fiscal stimulus” and hysterical “monetary stimulus” have ignored the lessons of the “Good Depression” of 1920-1921 and reprised many of the errors committed during the Great Depression of 1929-1946. Most notably, major central banks are presently moving heaven and earth to suppress market rates of interest; the appropriate course is to abandon the intervention and to let rates rise. Similarly, Western governments are increasing expenditure and incurring huge deficits; the correct policy, of course, is to slash spending, taxes and deficits, and to use the resultant surplus to retire debt. Since 2007, in short, central bankers and politicians – as much in Oz as in Europe, China and America – have been energetically inflating the next bubble and thereby stimulating the next crisis. My prognosis is therefore sombre.

TDV: We agree with you on that count as well.  You certainly, more than 99.9% of money managers out there, really know what is going on thanks to your grasp of Austrian economics.  For those interested, please let them know about how they can take advantage of your investment services.

CL: A short summary of our results since inception can be seen here, and an extended analysis of our results during the past decade and its strategy for the next ten years can be seen here.

Leithner & Co. accepts new investors. It caters primarily to professional and sophisticated investors as defined in sections 708(8) and 708(11) of the Australian Corporations Act. In plain English, that means investments of at least $A500,000. Also, because Leithner & Co. is a company and not a fund, its investors own shares in a private company rather than units in a unit trust (or what Americans would call a mutual fund). Unlike units, these shares are illiquid. So not just as a result of its investment philosophy, but also as a consequence of its structure, Leithner & Co. probably isn’t suitable for most people.

Learn more:

Other Austrian Value Investors


Another Investor who combines his value investing philosophy with Austrian economics:

James Grant

Note what Jim Grant says in the video interview, “The value that you see is the result of manipulated interest rates? We are in a BUBBLE of perceived “SAFE” Haven assets (think 30 years bonds at sub-2.5% or two year bonds at 0.003%)

A Reader’s Question on Integrating Austrian Economics with Investing

Subject: Re: Economics (Austrian?) and its relevance to Value Investing

A Reader implores, “One last question. I’ve actually bought all of James Grant’s books but where does his book fit into the framework of Austrian economics?Should I read it first before reading Austrian economics? Afraid I’d get confused.

I’m a bit embarrassed really, but since you’ve already taken the road, I’m hoping not to have to ‘reinvent the wheel’, so to speak… either that or I’m just plan lazy.

Reply: James Grant has said he is a big fan of Ropke

The book Grant mentions is Wilhelm Ropke’s Crises and Cycles (1936) in his excellent book, The Trouble with Prosperity: A Contrarian’s Tale of Boom, Bust and Speculation.

Try reading Ropke’s book:

 Flash that tome on your blind date! It didn’t work so well for me:

I then had to spend a lot of time travelling with my brother to get back home where I belong.

Or start here: How to study Austrian Economics:

My suggestion is to start with The Trouble with Prosperity and note your questions, then look at Jim Grant’s notes and bibliography–read some of his sources. But keep learning economics–the proper way.

Good luck and let me know if that helps.

Weekend Viewing and Reading


Bubble Film (Documentary Trailer):

The characters in the documentary: Jim Grant, Jim Rogers, and many more…

More here:

Who killed Kennedy?

I am not a conspiracy theorist (because the govt. is not competent to pull it off, but this is interesting.

Investing Students

Good articles here for students:

Model of valuing stocks the Buffett way:

How Morningstar measures moats

One hundred things I have learned while investing (good read):


An investment search process:

Valuation Models:Copy of Villalta_WebTool_APV and Copy of Villalta_WebTool_FCFE  (see if these make sense to you or ignore)


Investing and Lessons Learned

Investing articles:


Analysts presenting to HF managers:

Watch MBAs present their value investing ideas to Pershing Square’s Bill Ackman at Columbia GBS: several videos links–just scroll down

More recordings/videos: Investment Lectures: (2012)

And even more……

Shale oil

After decades of rising prices, hostile foreign suppliers and warnings that Americans will have to bicycle to work, the world faces the possibility of vast amounts of cheap, plentiful fuel. And the source for much of this new supply? The U.S.

“If this is true, this could be another dominant American century,” said Brian Wesbury, chief economist at First Trust Advisors, money managers in Wheaton, Ill.

U.S. natural-gas production is growing 4% to 5% a year, driven by sharply higher shale gas output. Shale gas production is forecast at 7.609 trillion cubic feet this year, up 11.6% from 2011 and 12 times the 2004 level.

Are you a chimp?

LexMark (LXK) Developing Case Study

LexMark: Value or Value Trap?

I read the news today, oh boy!

LEXINGTON, Ky., July 12, 2012, Today LexMark announced that second quarter 2012 financial results will be lower than expected.  (Editor: Read analysts need to cover their asses!)

Based on a preliminary analysis of second quarter financial results, the company currently expects second quarter revenue to decline about 12 percent year over year. (Holy #$^&!). This compares to the guidance that the company previously provided in April for the second quarter of an expected revenue decline between 7 to 9 percent year over year. (Editor: Analysts are saying, “What the $%^&! …why didn’t the company tell me?) GAAP earnings per share are now expected to be in the range of $0.53 to $0.55, or $0.87 to $0.89, excluding approximately $0.34 for restructuring-related and acquisition-related adjustments. This compares to the GAAP earnings per share guidance that the company previously provided for the second quarter of $0.65 to $0.75, or $0.95 to $1.05, excluding approximately $0.30 per share for restructuring-related and acquisition-related adjustments.This revised second quarter outlook reflects a weaker than expected demand environment, particularly in Europe (Editor: Who Knew?! What a surprise), and a larger than expected impact from unfavorable changes in currency exchange rates. The weaker demand environment prevented the company from overcoming this currency shift.Looking ahead, the company expects these same factors to impact the second half of 2012 and will provide an update on its full year 2012 outlook on the company’s upcoming earnings conference call scheduled for Tuesday, July 24, 2012.

No conference call will be held in conjunction with this revised financial outlook and the company will have no further comment on this until its upcoming second quarter earnings release.

Analyst Downgrades………..will be announced. (Editor: The horse has left the barn).

5 PM update:

(LXK -16.3%) closes at multi-year lows thanks to an ugly Q2 warning. Goldman (Sell) is taking a hammer to its 2013 and 2014 estimates, declaring the headwinds to Lexmark’s high-margin printing supplies business to be worse than feared. Though no full-year guidance revision was provided, Brean Murray thinks 2012 EPS could be around $4, compared with prior guidance of $4.70-$4.90 – that still gives Lexmark a forward P/E of just 5. HPQ -1.9%. XRX -1.8%.

Upcoming Second Quarter Earnings Conference Call Information

The company will be hosting a conference call with securities analysts on Tuesday, July 24, 2012 at 8:30 a.m. (EDT). A live broadcast and a complete replay of this call can be accessed from Lexmark’s investor relations website at .

This Post is to establish a basis for a case study in the future

This post is NOT a recommendation to do what I do (buy LXK today at $20.71) because you may be doing this:

and here is why I might have a reason to buy: LXK_VL_July 6 12.

In a year or so I can refer back to this dated post. I want to be on record to improve the learning experience and build the case study. Next will the upcoming earnings report in late July. The history, valuation, financial strength, declining business can be discussed later, but for now, this is an attempt to take advantage of Mr. Market. Not everything works out, but we make our way.

Remember to be careful when fools rush in………….Better, perhaps, to follow them to the heart of the American Dream:

Have a Great Weekend!

Surprise on the UPSIDE? James Grant

I’m a glass half full type of guy, but perhaps there could be surprises on the upside–James Grant

Six-minute video:


Investment Banking

Investment Banking Book

How Investment Bankers analyze companies. To see more recent work on mergers and acquisitions go to the SEC web-site and view merger proxies.  Also, in the Value Vault.


A Primer on Fractional Reserve Banking and Instability

Bank Run in New York City 1930

Video of a bank run (It’s a Wonderful Life)

Depositor, “I want my money now!” Banker replies, “We lent it to your neighbor.”  Again, how can two different entities have ownership of the same property at the same time?  Whoops?!

T-Accounts to Understand FRB

A brief primer on Fractional Reserve Banking (“FRB”) with T-accounts showing how banks create money out of “thin air.”  The article and the second one provide a good background to understand how FRB creates instability with or without the Fed or a Gold Standard in the third link below.

I encourage everyone to read through the T-accounts. If you don’t understand how banking works—avoid investing—or read further in the best book ever written to understand banking principles:

Another discussion: Is our money based on debt?

How FRB curses us with Instability

During a period known as the Great Moderation, roughly 1983–2000, the US economy experienced a period of apparent relative stability and prosperity. The US economy was then buffeted by two boom-bust cycles tied directly to credit expansion and low interest rates driven by fractional-reserve banking supported by central-bank activity (Garrison 2012 and 2009, Salerno 2012, Ravier and Lewin 2012, and Cochran 2011). The most recent recession and slow recovery rivals or exceeds the instability of 1970s and early 1980s in severity and is arguably the most significant crisis since the 1930s. While much of the discussion following the recent crisis has focused on why the recovery has been so slow, a lesson that should have been learned is that the economic growth driven by money and credit creation is short-term only; an artificial boom cannot last. Ultimately credit creation is a major destructive power that misdirects production, falsifies calculation — even in a period of relatively stable prices — and destroys wealth (Salerno 2012, pp. 32–36). An economy with a complex financial system like the present banking system, which in turn depends on a government monopoly of the supply of money, is prone to cycles and crises even with the best of either discretionary or rule-based management.

Under our current system of interest-rate targeting, “Policy-induced booms tend to piggyback on whatever economic development is underway” (Garrison 2009). This would be true whether the central bank followed a single (rather than the current dual) mandate, such as a policy goal of price stability or adopted nominal GDP targeting (Garrison 2012, pp. 435–36). Under fractional-reserve banking supported by a central bank the interest rate brake which would normally stop such events before they turn into bubbles or booms is effectively neutered (Hayek, 1941, pp. 406–10). Because of this neutering, booms and busts remain a significant threat in a “learning by doing” policy framework (Garrison 2009).

Without a foundation of sound money, a market-determined money, cycles are inevitable and destructive not only of short-term economic well-being but potentially destructive of long-term freedom and prosperity. It is urgent then that policy makers take seriously Hayek’s proposal, developed during the economic crisis of the 1970s, for drastic monetary reform, for a “denationalization of money.” This call is echoed by Garrison (2012, p. 436) who argues future prospects for “achieving long run sustainable growth can only rest on the prospects for decentralizing the business of banking.”

An argument among Austrians over FRB:

Austrian Economist Savagely Devastates Paul Krugman in a Debate

Thanks PB for the heads up.

If you had any waivers about Keynesian (establishment/conventional) economics vs. the Austrian perspective then view the video in the link below.

Professor Pedro Schwartz uses facts, theory and irrefutable cause and effect evidence to destroy Krugman’s advice to get out of crisis.  The introductions are in Spanish but the debate is in English.  I do believe Krugman is ignorant about time in the structure of production, thus he esposes an endless injection of stimulus to increase aggregate demand.

I remember driving through a subdivision in 2010 twnety-five miless outside of Las Vegas wondering who would build four hundred homes for nobody? Tumbleweeds and rattlesnakes…..Had a neutron bomb struck the development? Try stimulating that.

Krugman Destroyed In Debate By Jeff Harding, on July 9th, 2012

This comes from Luis Martin of TrugmanFactor, a blog located in Spain that translates and publishes Daily Capitalist articles. You can skip the intro in Spanish and get to Krugman’s lecture (0:09:19). But the real stuff starts at 0:35:25 where Professor Pedro Schwartz responds to Krugman’s comments in excellent English. Professor Schwartz is a distinguished and well known Austrian theory economist. And in Luis’s words, “completely destroys Krugman.” In fact Schwartz tweeted later that Krugman refused to shake his hand afterward. Enjoy.

Another Krugman Debate

Robert Murphy, an Austrian Economist, explains the Austrian Business Cycle to Krugman using a Sushi Capital Theory analogy:


PS: a reader apologized for disagreeing with me. Don’t. I like disagreements or hearing another point of view or discovering that I am just plain wrong. As a fallible human, I hope to always be aware of my fallibility. We are all trying to learn.

Part IV: How to Think About Prices

Mr. Market

You go back to Part 1: to reread the two most important chapters ever written on investing: Chapter 8 and 20 in the Intelligent Investor about “Mr. Market” Mr Market by Ben Graham_FINAL and the three most important words in investing, Margin of Safety Chapter 20_Margin of Safety Concept.

Why do people go so crazy? Why does a Mega-Cap like Coca-Cola (KO) become mispriced? Why do prices swing 30% to 50% a year for a relatively stable business like Kimberly Clark or Pepsi? Will I go crazy too? Read about behavioral investing: The_Little_Book_of_Behavioral_Investing_How_not_to_be_your_own_worst_enemy

If you want to go academic then: Amos_Tversky_And_Daniel_Kahneman_-_Probabilistic_Reasoning.

You will need to have the courage of your convictions: You might even need to remain at peace in the face of extreme events: because a BEAR MARKET FEELS like this: Whatever you buy immediately plummets 10%, 25%, 50%.  Calmly courageous but admitting when you are incorrect in your analysis then acting is what you should strive for. Can you combine a tough combination of courage and humility?

Investing is simple but not easy

Investing is a bit like sex, flying, and climbing. You can read about investing, great investors, study cases, but in the end you must apply the principles to the opportunities around you either today or tomorrow that YOU can understand. As you gain experience, you will understand how you selective you must be–how often do great business go on sale? Think about the prettiest girl at the bar who just says, “NO!” I wish my ex had said no

To improve you must rigorously, conscientiously track your results. Actually, few professionals do this, so you will be one step ahead. What advantages and tendencies do you have?  For example, I am so emotional that I sob if a cartoon character gets hurt. Even my nine-year old niece says, “Grow up Uncle John, Don’t you know it is just a cartoon?” What do I do? I do my work and place my orders before the market even opens. I rarely check the market. I have held investments for five to seven years. Time is better spent reading about companies.  Study what wastes time. Hire a Teen for a day to follow you around video-taping your activities for a day or two. You will be shocked at the time you fritter away. What adds value. OK, use common sense. Don’t go to your wife/husband and say, “Dear, just ignore little Billy here with his video camera, this is all in the interests of science.”

Treat your $5,000 in savings as if you would never gain another penny. Write down every reason for why you will buy or not buy a particular company. Build a portfolio carefully. If you want to buy small-caps avoid debt until you gain skill. Reverse engineer prices to tell you what growth expectations the market has for your company. Understand what is, isn’t a good business. Where is the competitive advantage and my margin of safety. Do I have multiple ways to win? If wrong, do I lose 10 cents–but if correct–I win $a dollar?

Teach Yourself to Become a Better Investor

TAKE YOUR TIME. Becoming an expert in anything, dancing, flying, chess, or tennis takes about 10 years of intensive (CORRECT) practice to gain mastery.  Do you think he practices often? Start now After two or three years, you will see progress. Don’t give up. Even with many mistakes, Buffett and others have done well. The trick is to avoid the Enrons, Aol/Time Warner’s and other large, permanent losses of capital.

Investment Philosophy

Finally, you will need to develop an investment philosophy like:Greenwald_2005_Inv_Process_Pres_Gabelli in London. Philip A. Fisher wrote a book, Conservative Investors Sleep Well. In Part Three he has a section on Developing An Investment Philosophy. An excellent read. You won’t be successful unless your philosophy, approach, and method fits your personality and circumstances. Market Wizard Author, Jack Schwager, discusses this:

I swear to any reader that with patience and discipline that you can do better than institutional investors. You have many advantages. Also, there are as many ways to invest as there are people. Be the best YOU can be not a poor copy of some guru. Finally, there are no Gurus; no one knows! Beat your own path.

Good luck and let me know your progress and successes.

Part III: Strategy

Stay the course


I am not a fan of consultants. A red flag should fly when you hear of management hiring consultants. If they know their business then why do they need outside experts? But let’s be open-minded: The_McKinsey_Way

My two favorite books on strategy are: Competition_Demystified__A_Radically_Simplified_Approach_to_Business_Strategy That book is a partial copy so you might pony up the dough for a copy or go to your library. The books isn’t perfect, but it simplifies the difficult, multi-faceted Porter Approach. What are the barriers to entry? Whenever you pay over replacement and earnings power value then you are in the world of franchises and profitable growth so you must understand competitive advantage. Another favorite: Strategic_Logic. The author’s wording is different in places but the book reinforces and supplements Greenwald’s book. Strategy matters.

Next, you can tackle: Harvard-Case-Book and Cases-LBS1998

History and Theory

Great investors read widely. For a greater understanding of why there is a European crisis: An_Economic_History_Europe. You will need a theory to place historical events into context: Mises_-_Epistemological_problems_of_economics_[1933]_+++

Always be practical and use your rational mind (common sense) in the world around you.

Whom would you rather invest with? Don’t get too lost in all your reading.

….you remember Buffett said the only two subjects he would teach a new investor would be:

  1. How to value a business and
  2. How to think about prices.

Part IV: How to Think About Prices…..