Yearly Archives: 2012

Richard Rainwater on Lessons Learned

A reader gave me a heads up on an interesting article on investing. Worth your time:

Lampert on Greatest Investment Lessons Learned

Eddie Lampert says that, “You have to have a point of view, you have to have a belief that something’s possible. And that you can see something that other people don’t. And a lot of times, when you see something that other people don’t, there’s nothing there. But there are times where there are things there. And the question is ‘is it worth it to invest your money and is it worth it to invest your time?’ ”

Another lesson Lampert said was important from Richard is to “invest in what you’re familiar with, invest in what you’re comfortable with. He’d go to the opportunities … he’ll be looking for where there’s disruption, but something that he feels comfortable with. He understood his capabilities … He wanted to get into business with great people and I think that was a great lesson as to how important people are to making businesses work.”

Referencing a specific Rainwater investment, Lampert says that, “Sometimes you make investments and they if don’t work out, what you learn are applicable to other situations.”

Lampert also went on to say that “Investing can be very lonely, especially if you’re contrarian.” Barry Sternlicht highlighted how this applies to Eddie, saying that “you make very few, very large, concentrated bets and you’ve been very patient.”

Read more:

Interesting Reading: Models; Valuation Metrics and more….

“To what extent can we believe the conclusions of a model that assumes away the fundamental features of reality as we understand it?”


A good review of the principles of Austrian Economics and why it matters to rely on reality not models.

Excerpt: There are important advantages in being familiar with the Austrian theory. This theory helps one keep in mind fundamental principles such as the subjectivity of value and the incompleteness of information that form the basis for human action. This approach makes it easier to spot errors in one’s economic thinking. One of the common errors is treating economic models as normative standards for reality rather than loose metaphors and illustrations of the logical conclusions resulting from prior theoretical analysis. This error creates a temptation to “fix” the reality to fit the model. Often times the fix only makes things worse, because it was not the reality that needed fixing. It was, in fact, the economist’s model that did not capture the key features of reality.

Valuation Metrics:

Several excellent articles on what valuation metrics are useful. Good news for value investors–high EBITDA to Enterprise Value generates better returns than other metrics. Go

Research papers on valuation metrics:TEV to EBITDA Research and enterprise-multiple-vs-tobins-q

A hedge fund discusses various investments (Berkshire, Iridium): Note the bullish thesis for Iridium. I discussed MCX and Iridium here When every satellite company has gone bankrupt or has been on government support, the burden of proof is on Mr. Tilson.


A reader provides a link to a good blog on learning how to invest:

Various links on investing:

Should the U.S. be a Union?

The establishment’s view (PBS) of what caused the financial crisis of 2008: Surprise! No mention of abnormally low interest rates or political intervention to force banks to make uneconomic loans in order to increase home ownership.

Inflation brewing:

Does the U.S. Follow the Constitution?

EXCERPT: Everyone pays lip service to the rule of law. Indeed I’ve never heard of anyone rejecting it as undesirable. (It has been called impossible under prevailing circumstances but that is a different point.) So why is the principle so flagrantly violated with almost no public outrage?

Take President Obama’s intervention in the Libyan civil war. Even if we grant that he could legally enter that conflict by his own unilateral decision – a big if, which we’ll explore below – the War Powers Resolution of 1973 requires him after 60 days to cease operations or ask Congress for authorization to continue. One week ago today the clock ran out on the Libyan intervention, yet Obama has neither ceased operations nor asked for authorization.

Barnes & Noble Valuation Case Study

There are opportunities to learn all around us.  The recent announcement of Microsoft’s $300 million investment in the Nook–Barnes & Noble’s eReader provides a reference point for valuation.

Barnes & Noble (BKS) Case Study Materials

BKS and MSFT Agreement 8K April 27 2012 What valuation can you derive from MSFT’s purchase price?

BKS 10Q March 8 2012 The most recent 10-Q. Combine with the 10-K to value BKS on your own.  BKS 10K April 30 2011

The Amazon Letter discusses the Kindle: Amazon Letter to Shareholders 2011

Try to think about how you would value BKS. If you struggle, then look at the case study materials below, then return to the financial statements. Don’t become discouraged.  The research report below isn’t perfect (lacks a full competitive analysis of the different businesses), but the report does do a good job in showing you how the author reached a valuation. You may disagree with the assumptions, but you know what they are.

When you read of a public transaction for a company or part of a company, you have a reference point to test your valuation skills. Good luck!

Valuation of Barnes & Noble

Barnes & Noble Case Study

Back with Buffett Case Studies: Dempster Mills and Sanborn Map

“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act, but a habit.”–Aristotle

My Black Ops Ninja team was able to crack Buffett’s safe in Omaha and bring back these case studies for your enlightenment and study. Mr. Buffett was found passed out on his desk from a Cherry Coke drinking binge.  This video was running on his TV:  Mr. Buffett is preparing for this weekend’s Buffett Lovefest.

Buffett’s Case Studies:

Dempster Mills

& Sanborn Map

Dempster_Mills_Manufacturing_Case_Study_BPLs What lessons are there here for us to build upon?

Notes on Buffett’s Meeting with Ivey MBA Students on March 30, 2012

Notes on Buffett Lecture to Ivey School Students: Ivey School_2012_Buffett_Notes

Mr. Buffett will often repeat the same concepts and stories to the students. But let’s read what he has to say about certain subjects.

On Valuation: When valuing a business we should think of it as “deferring consumption and laying money out now to get more money back at a later date”–i.e., the two birds in the bush. There are two major questions to be answered: 1. How much money will investors get back? and 2. When will they get it back?

What I seek is certainty about the pay-off, make sure there are two in the bush. The way I deal with certainty is to find companies that have historically great returns and earnings, leveraging on a competitive advantage.

Passion: My passion was valuation

Information: People have better information now, but they still react irrationally.


  • Buy equities strategically and opportunistically.

  • But ultimately, the key to success is emotional stability.

  • Someone with intellectual curiosity can learn the profession.

James Grant’s Speech to the Fed and More

James Grant argued for a return to the classical gold standard at the New York Federal Reserve. Note Grant’s command of financial and economic history. He references several books which you might find of interest. The beauty and purpose of the gold standard is that it takes monetary policy out of the control of moneyed elites and allows the market to work.  Critics will say that the nation had recurring booms and busts while on the classical gold standard, but they may be confusing the chaos of fractional reserve banking (being able to pyramid loans on top of deposits with fiduciary media) with the classical gold standard (the citizenry is able to convert currency into a fixed amount of gold).

Grant’s Speech to the New York Federal Reserve

My annotated copy is here:James Grant Speech on Gold and the FED April 2012

Robert Wenzel Speech

Another excellent critique of the Federal Reserve is Robert Wenzel’s speech on April 25th, 2012

An excerpt: I simply do not understand most of the thinking that goes on here at the Fed, and I do not understand how this thinking can go on when in my view it smacks up against reality.

Please allow me to begin with methodology. I hold the view developed by such great economic thinkers as Ludwig von Mises, Friedrich Hayek, and Murray Rothbard that there are no constants in the science of economics similar to those in the physical sciences.

In the science of physics, we know that water freezes at 32 degrees. We can predict with immense accuracy exactly how far a rocket ship will travel filled with 500 gallons of fuel. There is preciseness because there are constants, which do not change and upon which equations can be constructed.

There are no such constants in the field of economics, because the science of economics deals with human action, which can change at any time. If potato prices remain the same for 10 weeks, it does not mean they will be the same the following day. I defy anyone in this room to provide me with a constant in the field of economics that has the same unchanging constancy that exists in the fields of physics or chemistry.

And yet, in paper after paper here at the Federal Reserve, I see equations built as though constants do exist. It is as if one were to assume a constant relationship existed between interest rates here and in Russia and throughout the world, and create equations based on this belief and then attempt to trade based on these equations. That was tried and the result was the blow up of the fund Long Term Capital Management — a blow up that resulted in high-level meetings in this very building.

It is as if traders assumed a given default rate was constant for subprime mortgage paper and traded on that belief. Only to see it blow up in their faces, as it did, again, with intense meetings being held in this very building.

Yet, the equations, assuming constants, continue to be published in papers throughout the Fed system. I scratch my head.

Origin of the Federal Reserve

The Origins of the Federal Reserve by Murray N. Rothbard (128 pages)


If you read and understand the above articles and book, you will have a good inkling of why the rich become richer and the poor become poorer.

NOT a Good Week for Pump and Dump-SNPK

We last discussed the scam, illusion and/or fantasy of SNPK and our first mention of this impending disaster was on March 13, 2012:

Whoops! Not a Good Week for SNPK

Expect to see SNPK trading BELOW (sub 5 cents) at the levels of this other Pump and Dump, NSTR, within the next 12 months. Anybody want to take the other side of that bet?

This post was to keep you abreast as a warning and learning exercise–you don’t have to flush your hard-earned cash away to know that the above “company” exists solely to fleece “shareholders.” How many innocents are saying, “What the F! #$%& happened?” I am sure the SEC will start their “investigation” a year or two after the fleecing. Oh well….

You can learn more about how Pump and Dumps work here:

This week we’re exposing these three popular Pump & Dumps: Sunpeaks Ventures (SNPK), Regency Resources (RSRS), and E-Waste Systems (EWSI).

On Pump and Dump Friday, we identify a few of the potentially “bogus” promotions going on in penny stocks today.

If you don’t know how these schemes work, be sure to check out the free report.

Without further ado, here are today’s “disasters waiting to happen”:

Sunpeaks Ventures (SNPK)

For the second week in a row, I have to say “I told you so!”

It’s like shooting fish in a barrel.  The pumpers telegraph their moves so plainly it’s scary!   Last week I told you to watch out for a dead cat bounce and then shares would take another dive…Well they have! 

Have a great weekend and thanks for the generous contributions on advising a reader about transitioning/learning to become a value investor.

Back again on Monday with case study analysis on Kiwi Airlines from Competition Demystified.

If Value Investing Works, Why do Value Investors Underperform?

Value investing works, so why do value investors underperform? The evidence for activist value investors.

Visit the great blog

The Research Paper is here:Do Value Investors Underperform

The author doesn’t know why value investors either under or outperform in my opinion.

The Paper’s Conclusion

Value investing comes in many stripes. First, there are the screeners, who we view as the direct descendants of the Ben Graham school of investing. They look for stocks that trade at low multiples of earnings, book value or revenues, and argue that these stocks can earn excess returns over long periods. It is not clear whether these excess returns are truly abnormal returns, rewards for having a long time horizon or just the appropriate rewards for risk that we have not adequately measured. Second, there are contrarian value investors, who take positions in companies that have done badly in terms of stock prices and/or have acquired reputations as poorly managed or run companies.

They are playing the expectations game, arguing that it is far easier for firms such as these to beat market expectations than firms that are viewed as successful firms. Finally, there are activist investors who take positions in undervalued and/or badly managed companies and by virtue of their holdings are able to force changes in corporate policy or management that unlock this value. What, if anything, ties all of these different strands of value investing together? In all of its forms, the common theme of value investing is that firms that are out of favor with the market, either because of their own performance or because the sector that they are in is in trouble, can be good investments.

What inspired Ron Paul: Mises Lecture on Socialism  Amazing audio lecture on why and how Socialism has to fail economically (no ability to use prices and thus allocate resources efficiently)

Advice to a Reader on Transitioning to Value Investing

A Reader posted his struggle here:

Other readers generously shared their wisdom below (slight editing for brevity and my comments in Italics)

19 Responses to A Reader Seeks Advice

I, too, am trying to teach myself how to properly value a business. I feel lost as well. I have more finance/investing books than I know what to do with and my time studying may be spread too thin and that I would be better off focusing on the few materials that are really worth it.

So far, the few books that I have found helpful (and always come back to) in determining how to value a company and what drives value are:

“Valuation” (McKinsey), “Accounting for Value” (Penman), and “Financial Statement Analysis and Security Valuation” (Penman). I’ve heard a good intro into accounting and financial statement analysis is “Financial Statement Analysis” (Thomas Ittelson), although I have not read this book.

One thing that I have noticed (learned?) as I read more and more (particularly from this blog), is that valuation may be the easy part. It’s not too hard to find a company that has a high ROIC and good earnings. I think the more important question, is whether the high ROIC and earnings are sustainable and what they will look like 10-20 years down the road. Don’t miss the forest for the trees (I think that is how the quote goes). That said, I think books that help frame this question and focus the analysis are: “Competition Demystified” (Greenwald), “The Little Book that Builds Wealth” (Dorsey), and “Hidden Champions” (Simon), help show what makes a business superior to others (the moat) and how wide/long a competitive advantage may be.

I would love feedback from others, as I am also looking for the few books to know “cold” and so that can get more “value” out of my time reading and studying.

Hope this helps.      It certainly does–good suggestions. I second spending time on focusing on what is a good business.  On this blog are valuation case studies from Greenblatt and Greenwald but they are scattered over 300 posts and the lectures are on video in the vault folders. If you want me to group the cases with the videos in a valuation case study folder, I will. For example, (type in word in blog search box: Munsingwear, Duff & Phelps, Hudson General, Moody’s, etc. for valuation case studies)

Buffett said he would only teach two things: How to think about prices and how to value. I believed he said he would teach about valuing a farm first. How many acres, yields, cost of fertilizer, variability of crops, range of prices, cost to borrow and what cash is left over then discount back to the present. He mentioned to Bernstein the Reporter from the Washington Post, that valuation is like reporting on a story–What’s it worth?

  • Rent the movie, Other People’s Money with Danny Devito (an early post on this blog) and see how he values NE Wire and Cable.

Warren | April 26, 2012 at 12:41 pm | Reply | Edit

Your reader sounds like a smart guy, but doesn’t have a firm foundation on basics of finance.  He could always elect to take NYU’s Damodaran’s free course on Corporate Finance and learn about WACC etc. 

I have spoken to other great investors too, and they will tell you that going to Columbia or Harvard will not make you a great analyst/investor – if that was the case that CBS tuition would not be affordable, because all the graduates would eventual be billionaires.   Insert Ben Graham quote here:  “courage becomes the supreme virtue after adequate knowledge and a tested judgment are at hand”.  They don’t teach judgement or courage at business school.

CBS lets in roughly 40 people into their AVI program out of about 150 who apply.  So the odds are against you and I heard there is no rhyme or reason to how individuals get selected.  As an anecdote, there is always only one person of African descendant in the program! BUT, if you are student at CBS and not in the program, professor will allow you access to their classes as an auditor.

Building a network and finding a mentor are very difficult.  Finding a mentor is hard even if you go  to CBS, most people who find a mentor are lucky in my opinion.  I work in the same building as a famous investor who is an alumnus CBS and asked to met with him.  He wrote back and said, I find meeting with people a waste of my time!

I do find business school, great in terms of building a network, but you can go to any of the top MBA programs, join the investment clubs and build from their.  Another piece of advice, CBS is not very strong in terms of the intimacy of their network, you are better off at HBS or Stanford IMO.

4 years ago, I was accepted into CBS’s MBA program, I could not attend because that was the year the financial crisis destroyed the international student loan program.  CBS was the only Ivy League school they did not backstop its International Students that were admitted in those years.  With no American cosigner, I  was unable to get financing despite trying for 3 years and a Value Investing Need Based Scholarship.

Fortunately and unfortunately, I am on the buy-side, but not at the fund I would aspire to work for.  What I am finding out now is that and MBA from a top school is a good option, if you want to want to move into a better firm.

Ironically,  I am still saving up for CBS’s MBA program and plan to attend one day, so I can move to a place with a mentor and build a network.  I am not looking elsewhere, because I recently moved my family to NYC and my daughter loves it here.

Investing is a continual learning process, business school can only accelerate that so much.

Krishnasinha1 | April 26, 2012 at 12:54 pm | I’d be very interested in any useful advice that readers have here, as i am in a similar boat (although i’m only 26). I’m also struggling with learning effective techniques to do valuations and develop a strong understanding of financial statements and accounting. I tossed Damodaran’s book after he started talking about Beta, and unfortunately i didn’t really get much from Greenwald’s book on the topic either (is it just me or does this guy talk the talk but then not really walk the walk? Everytime i see a pro like Einhorn or Michael Price talk about a valuation i’m thoroughly impressed and they never talk about reproduction values etc. that Greenwald always emphasizes).  Editor: Greenblatt does not believe in using reproduction value since it is hard to do accurately. Also, Prof. Greenwald wants to be the smartest person in the room, not the best investor. You have to read what he says with your own independent mind. I think his book, Comp. Demystified is good, but even there, you need to not take everything on blind faith. Do the concepts make sense to YOU.  What a great value investor (hired by Buffett 30 years ago) told me, “Sit down with a Value Line and segment the great, normal and bad businesses, then choose an industry that you might enjoy learning about to read the 10-Ks of the major companies in that industry. Have your accounting texts alongside to answer your questions of the financial statements, read about the industry and how managers think about the business. Get a sense of good businesses and what you would pay. Try always to apply your knowledge to the real world of businesses–theory to application–it is more fun that way.  If you apply yourself every day intensely on the right things, then within ten years, you will gain a sense of mastery (somewhat).  See books on the steps to mastery on any difficult subject–race car driving, chess, martial arts, etc.

On that note, The only advice i can give you as someone who is completely self-taught and basically only started reading about value investing 3 years ago is the following:

READ EVERYTHING: When i first started, i read a lot of the books that talked about the psychology and theory of value investing. I started with “The Little Book of Value Investing” by Chris Browne. That is an excellent primer, and then i built from there, reading Margin of Safety by Klarman (Free in the VALUE Vault–just email with Margin of Safety in Headline, and interviews with a lot of top hedge fund guys. Even if i didn’t understand everything they were talking about in terms of specific financial jargon, having the main theory hammered into me for a few years really prepares you for the turbulence in the market. Now, when one of my stocks goes down, i always have enough confidence to double down on it if i truly understand the stock. (Side note here, i still haven’t actually read Security Analysis or Intelligent Investor all the way through, everyone hypes those books but they are not for a novice and i always found myself in over my head when trying to read them, start with other more recent books, the same concepts are covered but are often explained more clearly and concisely).

In addition, look for articles where respectable hedge fund managers discuss their thesis on an investment (Einhorn, Ackman, michael price, etc.) Read the Graham and Doddsville Newsletter from Columbia business school (free on their website) where these managers get interviewed and read their “Letters to the Investors” when you get the chance. You’ll notice that they don’t necessarily spend a lot of time talking about specific accounting numbers, they have a lot of understanding of the businesses themselves and the business models. You’ll rarely see them get into an esoteric conversation on how accurate the GAAP Earnings figure is, but you will see them discuss why they think earnings are depressed or why they will rebound and why the market is overreacting. That is far more fundamental to value investing than knowing a lot about accounting in my experience. When you read Buffetts letters (i highly recommend reading his partnership letters), you’ll see that even then, he doesn’t talk about the specifics of the balance sheet, but rather, the few simple reasons about why the stock is cheap. It is MUCH easier for me to grasp those principles than to learn the minutiae of financial statements, and you can even successfully pick stocks by applying simple techniques.

Speaking of simple techniques, there are 2 books that really stand out (besides Greenblatt’s magic formula, which is a good book but i can sense you want more than that). The first book is Why Do Stocks Go Up (and Down)? It was recommended by Michael Burry and i recommend it whole heartedly to you, it’s very very simple and illuminates most of what you need to know in terms of financial statements. The second book is the 5 Keys to Value Investing (found out about it from this site actually!), The reason this book turned me on was because Michael Price is my biggest influence (my goal is to work for him at MFP Investors) and the author of this book worked for him when he was at Mutual Series. He sets out very clear and basic criteria for investing in stocks and shows you exactly how he does it, there is no guesswork involved, and the explanations are very clear and detailed. I highly recommend that book. Again, it doesn’t require that much in terms of financial statement knowledge to grasp the concepts, and you’ll learn all you need to know from the Why Do Stocks Go Up book anyways.

By the way, i highly recommend reading up about successful value investors and picking a few whose style you admire, for me that’s michael price, for you it may be someone else. Read their 13-F’s, read their explanations, and then go to EDGAR online and try to put together the same stories that they tell using your own intuition, it will be slow and painful the first few times but you will learn exponentially.

I think the most important advice that i can give though is to remember that it is a marathon, not a sprint, i struggle with this a lot myself because i always think i should be learning faster and that i’m so far behind other people.  True! True! The fact of the matter is if you keep reading and keep doing your own research you will soon find that your brain starts making a lot of connections and things slowly become clear to you. Like i said, i’ve only been studying investing for 3 years, and i still haven’t learned even a fraction of what i could know, but i get up every day and read SOMETHING investing related, every single day.

So again, i hope that advice helps, and i’d be interested to hear what people recommend to learn about accounting and financial statement analysis.

Regards, Krishna

Editor: Let me mention two books for helping you start your journey:

Logan James | April 26, 2012 at 2:11 pm | Reply | Edit

Perhaps it would be instructive to work on a more comprehensive valuation case study as a group. I would be willing to participate. Anyone else?

We’ve briefly covered valuation a few posts back when we were going through a few Value Line case studies. That could serve as a good starting point.   Editor: Dear Logan, please see comment at top of this post.

I have a question. How much do each of you rely on gathering data/information in spreadsheets on companies? Does it depend on the complexity of the investment? For example, David Einhorn, Ackman, etc. usually have 50+ slide deck presentations for the investments they present to the public. Do you think that much work is necessary? I know some private investors that deeply analyze complex investment situations (i.e. Sears Holdings), These guys go through and essentially look at everything. For a person working on their own, this task seems very cumbersome. Other investors think more about the businesses they are analyzing, so their spreadsheets and models are less complex.

Would appreciate feedback.


Ankit Gupta | April 26, 2012 at 3:45 pm | Reply | Edit

I think the reader who emailed you will be *far more* successful than most value investors, simply because he is cognizant of the existence of things he doesn’t know about. I tell people that the less they know about finance, the better, because calculating numbers is just a very small portion of it, in my opinion.

I don’t know that I can recommend how to get started, but I would consider the length of what you’re doing. For example, let’s say that you’re writing auto loans. If you write a 1 year loan, then you’ll know how you did after just 1 year. If you write a 5 year loan, then it will take a little longer, and it’ll be 5 years before you know how you really performed.

Stocks? Buffett has called these “100 year bonds” in a 1977 Fortune article that he wrote. It takes a much longer time.

I still have a ton of work to do, but I will say that I started out with the shorter-term views by focusing on things like liquidation value. As I’ve progressed, I’m now looking around trying to find companies that I would be comfortable owning in their entirety and never selling them. The finance aspect can be handled, but the tougher part is just finding businesses that I really like and am willing to own for 20-30 years. (Editor: OK, if you hold a business for 25 years, you will receive the return on equity over that time. If you can find companies that can compound their capital at high rates–not easy to do–then hold them!)

Today, I start with understanding business and business strategy before valuations. Using historical data has many benefits, however requires a lot of discretion and judgement when projecting anything out into the future, and so I let that almost be a secondary aspect of what I’m doing.   ASTUTE!

I could be wrong too though – we won’t know for a long time.

PT | April 26, 2012 at 3:58 pm 

I would also like to make a humble contrarian comment, within the frame of the transformation from a trader to a value investor.

I do know most people who are reading this blog are interested in ‘value investing’ so it is natural to only consider this path of investing on this blog. In my opinion however, I think investing is about allocating money to get a certain (ex-ante) return versus risk award. How you define return and risk is of course subject to the personal interpretation of you as a capital allocator.

In a broad sense this capital allocation can take any form. You can work with  ETFs, you can trade commodities, you can invest in bonds, you can have your own start-up in whatever business, you can invest à la Buffet, etc. As long as your investment approach satisfies your needs and you stick to it, you should be fine.

By this I mean…I don’t think you should consider value investing as the only possible investment approach. For me it makes sense since I always want to understand situations and a big part of value investing for me is to understand the business you are investing in. I think this should be the starting point why you pursue a ‘value investing’ approach. So first I believe you should write your goals and beliefs on a piece of paper, and then you could see this type of investing fits you.

Just some random comments of course:)

Excellent comments. There are successful momentum traders/investors, etc. Value investing (search for bargains, paying a discount, etc.) is just one method that has to fit YOUR personality. Also, do not just think of equities; there are debt markets, tax liens, burial plots, art, etc. where value can be found.

I would agree with you – sometimes value investing takes form in many places, like the startup world, commodities, bankruptcies, etc. That said, I think you can take the same thing, even Coca Cola stock, and it can be speculative to one person while a value investment to another. I’m not sure what we invest in matters nearly as much as how well we know the item we’re investing in… and, of course, price :D

(Sometimes… I think the price we pay is actually going to modify the actual business outcome. If we invest in a startup at a very low price and management ends up with a miniscule ownership in the business, they may be demotivated, so price alone isn’t the only thing I personally look at, just as an example)

PT | April 26, 2012 at 4:02 pm 

Something else that helps me (I’m still at the beginning of my investment path so) is to look at history in terms of inflation, bond yields, equity returns, bankruptcies, etc. And by history I don’t mean the history of bond yields as available in Bloomberg as of 1962…go for example to Shiller’s website and look at data from 1900.

PT | April 26, 2012 at 4:04 pm | Reply | Edit

Btw, if you would go in the fund industry…also read the latest GMO and Research Puzzle article.

valueprax | April 26, 2012 at 6:55 pm | Reply | Edit

The best advice we can give others is usually the best advice we can give ourselves, so, in that vein, I offer this:

Spend more time looking at actual companies and their actual financial statements and historical data, and less time reading theory. The theory all backs up and becomes gobbeldy-gook if you’re not continually applying it in a practical manner to REAL companies.   (Well said and great advice–your goal is to apply what you have learned and then learn from what you have applied.)

There are THOUSANDS of companies with financial data out there, waiting to be examined. You will not find a bargain every time you look at one. You WILL learn something each time, however, and that’s invaluable.

Part of Buffett’s humongous advantage is the great VOLUME of companies, deals, trades, etc., he’s considered and actually looked at. When you do so, patterns and one-offs start to jump out at you. You scratch your head less and go “a-ha!” more.

How is business school going to do that work for you? It won’t. If you’re going to be a great value investor, you’ll find a way to do it on your own, as you must. Business school, generally, is for people who want to go work for others, not for themselves.

Summed up, “Put down your value investing books, pick up your Value Line tearsheets. Start digging.”

Man, if I just could learn to take my own advice, Buffett himself might have to look out! :D

I am im the same boat as op, in that i am trying to teach myself and i find it all very confusing.

I also find it that having only a high school edu. Makes learning that much slower. Thats why i respected walter schloss so much.he found and applied a system and it worked very well.

The best advice i can give anyone in a situation like mine is to rewrite the concepts and simplify them so that they make sense to you.

Editor: One of the best investors I have ever known dropped out of high school, worked odd jobs while spending all night in the public library; he skimped and he saved $5,000 dollars and over 9 or 10 years took his account to about 2 million $ (yes, he used options and leverage, but he was very selective, and he didn’t put everything on just one bet. He would admit he was lucky in part, but he stayed humble too. Anyway he lives with his wife like a king on $800 a month in Central America near the mountains and beach. Retired at 32.

Roy | April 26, 2012 at 9:43 pm |

+1 for valueprax. If you have already read The Intelligent Investor, Margin of Safety etc. Spend your time on reading financial statements and not more books.  When you go over a statement and you are not clear about something simply search it on the net.     Editor: That is the exact same advice I gave. And don’t be intimidated by lack of MBA, CFA, ZZA, etc. Just start and humbly move forward step by step each day.

As you can see excellent thoughts, suggestions and wisdom shared!

RANGO on Risk; Money, Gold, the Fed (James Grant Interview) and Learning Resources

Rango Teaches a Lesson on Risk Management (1 minute). Watch!

James Grant and James Turk Discuss Gold and The Fed (30 mins. Video)

James Grant, founder and editor of Grant’s Interest Rate Observer and James Turk (GoldMoney Foundation) discuss the Fed’s history and how ‘mission creep’ has taken it wildly beyond its initial remit, to the point where it is now conducting such experiements as quantitative easing (QE) and a zero interest rate policy (ZIRP).

They talk about who benefits from zero interest rates and how savers are penalised by this easy money policy. They explain how the US has effectively been off the gold standard since 1913, Bretton Woods being only a shadow of the classical gold standard. In the last 40 years low interest rates have encouraged leverage and speculation, which have reached incredible levels.

They discuss the fiscal profligacy of the US government, but note that a solution to America’s debt problem could still be found if the political will existed. US strengths and positive momentum could still be harnessed to save the dollar if people’s eyes could be opened. However, they conclude that every paper currency in history has eventually gone to zero.

James and Jim Grant also talk about ZIRP and the absence of the bond vigilantes after a 30 year bond bull market, and how traders no longer care about fundamentals – like balance sheets – but instead focus on very short-time horizons and the spreads between funding costs and yields. In their view, this situation as unsustainable.

Jim still see gold as a very under-owned, misunderstood and marginal asset that is still shunned by institutional investors, with a few notable exceptions which indicate that the tide could be turning. He see’s the US returning to the gold standard in the future, although timing is always uncertain.

At the end they talk about the history of specie payment resumption in the post-Civil War US, and how there could be parallels between this historical episode and a future return to the gold standard in our day and age. Private alternatives and competing currencies are a possibility; if politicians are too slow to provide solutions the market could do it for them.

Learning Resources

Committee for Monetary Research and Education: An interesting website for resources on monetary history, gold, the Fed and economic history.

The books below are designed for home schooling high school students on how economics and markets work. The two books combined have a lesson/lecture combined with examples like newspaper articles illustrating the principles mentioned. Highly recommended for new students to economics and markets.

A Free Market Syllabus:

A Free Market Reader:

Interesting Articles  Losing our liberties