Category Archives: Risk Management

Go Long/Go Short Actual Companies from Prior Post (Quiz)

Yesterday from this post, you were given two companies that you HAD to choose one to buy and the OTHER to short. You were give this information: Investing Quiz Go Long and Go Short

….Now Company A: GM 2003 AR and Company B: Yahoo 2002 AR  

Mr. Buffett would have passed on investing in the equity of both companies, but you had to choose.  How did you do?

Tomorrow, I will go through the choices and results. Stay tuned…..

Investment Skills Quiz: Go Long and Go Short for Five Years



You are tired of reading all the theory on growth investing and Wall Street is in a perpetual down cycle. What to do? You sign on for a five-year mission to kidnap the Pope from the Vatican and replace him with Madonna dressed as the Pope. Yes, THAT Madonna Times are desperate.

As payment, Mission Control will allow you to short $10 million worth of Company A or B while simultaneously buying $10 million of either Company A or B. You choose. The paymaster will total up your profits or losses at the end of your five-year mission. Once you make your choice, you will have to wait upon your return (assuming you live) to close out your positions.  Good luck and state the reasons for your choice.

Click on this to see how you receive your instructions and then this paper Investing Quiz Go Long and Go Short to choose which company you will buy and which company you will short.

The actual 10-Ks will be posted in a day or so, and we will learn the results of your choices.



Greenwald Videos (11-15)

More Greenwald Videos

File 11:

File 12:

File 13:

File 14:

File 15:

More videos

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Value Vault

My recovery is a bit slow but I hope to have the Value Vault up again early next week. All those who emailed me for keys will receive them along with prior key holders.

Greenwald 2010 Lectures (6 through 10)

Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire. –W.B. Yeats

Greenwald 2010 (6-10) Videos

Here’s the link to file 6:

Here’s the link to file 7:

Here’s the link to file 8:

Here’s the link to file 9:

Here’s the link to this file 10:

More videos to follow……….

Enjoy your weekend

Investor Presentations and Munger Mash


Everything Charlie Munger_A Compendium of Articles


He is a deep value investor in small caps.

VII_Aug2011_BobRobotti and Robotti-ValueInvestingCongress-100212


VII_Oct2010_Ghazi and Ghazi-ValueInvestingCongress-100112  Learn more by downloading the annual reports (3 years) and proxies, study and try to value the company. THEN read his presentation. Do you agree/disagree? I bet less than 1 in 10,000 people would make the effort. While I bet some “investors” bought LAYN on their crackberries/IPhones after a few words by the speaker. You can do better. Make the effort and go the extra mile.


VII_May2011_LloydKhaner and Khaner-ValueInvestingCongress-100212

VII_March2007_BarryRosenstein and Rosenstein-ValueInvestingCongress-100112

VII_Feb2007_AlexRoepers and Roepers-ValueInvestingCongress-100212

VII_Dec2010_JeffUbben and Value Investing Congress presentation-Tilson-10-1-12



Gottfried-ValueInvestingCongress-100212  (obscure micro-caps)





Beating the Market

The Little Book that Beats the Market

Little Book That Still Beats the Market, The – Joel Greenblatt

Video Lecture on the Book:

Mathematical Prediction of the Market and More….

Having trouble understanding what I am illustrating, then go here:

My perfect mathematical proofs on where the market will be in eighteen months.

What, are you ignorant?

Mathematics vs. Economic Logic:  and Rothbard’s note on mathematical economics

 and Chapter_XVI


Is Romney intentionally trying to lose?

Learning through deliberate practice: A good investment blog!

Major Debt will be defaulted on:

Bernanke’s QE3 defies common sense.

In order to boost the demand for goods and services, one must boost the production of goods and services. For instance, an individual can exercise his demand for bread by producing shirts; or a butcher can exercise a demand for potatoes by first producing meat that he can exchange for potatoes.

Furthermore, producers of final goods can also exchange them for various other goods such as tools and machinery in order to expand and enhance the existent infrastructure, which will permit an expansion of final consumer goods that promotes people’s lives and well-being.

The Bernanke-Woodford plan, which is based on relentless monetary pumping, will lead to a weakening of the economy’s ability to generate final goods and services in line with consumers’ preferences. This will diminish rather than strengthen effective demand for goods and services. Read more:

Learn how to negotiate: (Please, women and children, ignore this clip).

Reader’s Question: What is it like to write a blog?

My reply:

QE3 Could Be Highly Inflationary; Investors’ Responses

Unintended Consequences

Plosser also warned that QE3 “could be highly inflationary.” “I don’t think it would occur immediately,” he said. “Inflation is going to occur when excess reserves of this huge balance sheet begin to flow outside into the real economy.  I can’t tell you when that’s going to happen.”

Bernanke and other Fed officials say that the Fed will be able to contain the outflow of reserves into the economy and thereby limit wage-price pressures by raising the rate of interest it pays on excess reserves.  But Plosser said the  interest rates on excess reserves (“IOER”) and reserve draining tools cannot be relied upon.

“How fast will we have to do that (raise the(IOER)?” he asked.  “How rapid will it have to go up? We don’t have a clue.   Raising the IOER where you have a trillion and half or two trillion dollars in reserves, we have absolutely zero experience with it.”

“We have the tools to do it, but we don’t know the consequences of the tools,” Plosser said. “If the IOER doesn’t work and we have to sell assets, MBS, how will that affect housing?” he asked. “Will we be able to unwind from this at a pace that doesn’t disrupt the economy?”


The Fed’s problem: If those funds start to move out of excess reserves and into the economy rapidly, the Fed will have to take counter measures, such as boosting interest rates on excess reserves (IOER) or liquidating some of their mortgage-backed securities. Plosser is entirely correct, no one knows how high interest rates will have to be raised to stop the flow into the economy. It could very well end up a tiger by the tail situation, the higher the Fed boosts rates, the higher nominal rates climb (Sort of the reverse of what is going on now.

You as an investor need to watch to see if the Fed’s new money printing of $40 billion per month ends up in the system (through bank loans) or as excess reserves. Further, excess reserves themselves have to be monitored to see if any of those funds start to enter the system. In other words, if any increases in required reserves occur, it could result in an Artificial boom to the stock market and economy, but also be price inflationary.

Several Commentaries on the Fed’s Actions

James Grant

The Fed has committed to open-ended expansion of dollars to suppress interest rates. Now it is suppressing the interest rates, muscling the yield curve, and allocating credit. And it is in the business of price control. Price controls have never worked.  Read more: TheWhysAndWhereforesOfQE3_GRANTS

Robert Rodriquez of FPA, All In! FPA Comment on Fed Policy Sept 2012

David Stockman

Uploaded by ReasonTV on Jan 3, 2011

At the very start of the “Reagan revolution,” David Stockman exposed the myth that Ronald Reagan and the modern Republican Party are dedicated to small government.

Since writing The Triumph of Politics he says he has “completed his homework” by reading libertarian economists such as Ludwig von Mises, Friedrich Hayek, and Murray Rothbard. He thinks TARP was a big-government boondoggle and the bailouts of GM and Chrysler unconscionable. Stimulus spending is a hoax. He sees the abandonment of the gold standard in favor of floating exchange rates as the root cause of both the country’s fiscal problems and the 2008 financial crisis. He says that Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas) is the only politician today “who gets it” and he’s hopeful that Paul’s growing power may begin to shed light on “the scholastic arrogance” of the Federal Reserve. He’s still against the welfare-warfare state and he thinks government should be cut down to size.


Stockman, “The Bernanke doesn’t have a clue as to why our economy has been failing. The reason it has failed, 130 million payroll jobs today is the same as 1999. So after 13 years of serial booms and busts we haven’t added one job! It has offered free money to Wall Street over and over. A massive speculation.  These actions will bring the chaos of booms and busts.

We need a fundamental change of policy. Extract the Fed from the group of WS. Special interests who provide windfall gains to a small circle of cronies while the rest of the middle class and poor struggle with the mess that we have.

A lecture by David Stockman on Sound Money:  (65 minutes). Stockman quote: “Two party free lunch competition” He hits the insiders of both the Republican and Democratic parties equally hard. Another dissertation on crony capitalism.



Zimbabwe: Hyperinflation in Zimbabwe

Confidence in the Fed: Alan Greenspan critiquing his devastating policies.


What Can We Learn from IBM?

PS: I may not post the See’s Candies case study until tomorrow….backed up with work. Until then, tackle this:

Why did Buffett buy IBM?

IBM_VL    Don’t cheat! Look at the Value-Line and write what Buffett sees in IBM. (Disclosure: I own IBM along with BDX, BCR, CSCO, LXK, NVS, TESCO, ORI, etc. and I will not announce if and when I sell. I may be incorrect in the assessment of those businesses either in price paid or assessment of value.)

What do you think of IBM’s growth? Is this a good business? What might be driving returns for shareholders? How would you classify this company?  A rapid compounder? Value trap?

How can a company as well-known as IBM become mis-priced?

Hint: For those who wish to start your own fund….research the studies on horse track betting where favorites are SYSTEMATICALLY under-bet (under priced) while long shots are SYSTEMATICALLY over bet or over priced.


Betting on Favorites

See research:Favorite_Longshot_Bias

One of the common criticisms I (Investor lecture at Columbia GBS) hear about this type of investing is that it is akin to betting on favorites at the race track. Once you have identified a company that is so obviously superior, how likely is it to be undervalued since the whole world will have perceived that it is an extraordinary company? The stock won’t have a margin of safety and may be persistently over-valued. The stock may be over-loved and overvalued.

Let me back up a second. As part of my misspent youth, I spent a lot of time in horse racing and handicapping. In fact, bettors in aggregate in pari-mutual betting are, in fact, very good at picking winners at the racetrack. Favorites do win races. But betting on favorites does not make you money; it loses you the least amount of money. Because there is a tremendous track take. So the horse racing/handicapping is a minus 20 percent on typical betting. If you just put money down on favorites as a mechanical system, the record shows that you will lose over time only 2%, 3% or 4%. If you bet on long shots, you will lose 20+% of your money.

Now in the case of the stock market over a long period of time, it has been a plus 9, plus 10, plus 11% game so it is very much more favorable business than horse betting. But betting on favorites, betting on quality as opposed to junk is a winning bet, as long as the valuation discipline is appropriate.

Prize awarded: Boom, Gloom, and Doom Report for the BEST reply.

Ok, now take a look at these articles:


Lessons learned?

If I can stress anything–and it took me TEN years to learn and I fall off the wagon occasionally–keep things simple!

Quantitative Value Investing Lecture Video; Cartoon Book on Why an Economy Grows

Quantitative Value Investing

Money Ball: To get into the mood of quantitative analysis view these short videos on baseball: and

Quant Value Investing:

Also go to

Why an Economy Grows

Thanks to a reader for this cartoon book on how-an-economy-grows

Third Avenue Fund 3Q Letter:TAVF_3Q_2012 Letter